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Head's Blog

Our Arts Festival was a wonderful celebration of the music and art your children have experienced this year. The quality and confidence of the children was lovely to see.  We hope to share the video that was made of the Festival very soon, so that all of you can experience the event.


Next Week

Monday Reception Tea Party after school (New intake children)

Wednesday Afternoon Performance and Evening Performance of Treasure Island

Thursday Transition Day. Year 6 will be at their new schools and all classes will spend the afternoon with their new teachers. Collect your children from their new classroom door at 3.15pm

Evening Performance of Treasure Island

Friday SCHOOL CLOSED for staff training


Treasure Island

Due to poplar demand the children will be performing the play on Wednesday afternoon.  The invited guests comprise of local residents and parishioners from St Marks.  Although restricted seating is available we are happy for any parents or grandparents who cannot attend the evening performances to come to this one.  Please contact the school office to book a seat in advance (seats will be allocated on a first come basis)


Secondary Schools

This year our children are going to: Beaumont, Chancellors, Stanborough, Nicolas Breakspear, Owens, Onslow, Roundwood, St Albans Girls, St Georges, Samuel Ryder, Townsend, Verulam,


Next Year School Development

We will be focussing on three main areas in the coming year:

1. Assessment with a drive on strengths and gap analysis

2. Emotional Health where we will  be introducing a whole school approach to support all children

3. Home Learning providing a clear approach to our expectations and how you can support your children

    at home.


School Office

Uniform - Last date that uniforms will be administered is strictly Thursday 13th July

Milk - If you haven't retuned your requests (Rec - Yr2) by Monday 10th July we will assume your child does not require milk and it will not be ordered for them.

Dinner Money - we still have a persistent number of parents who slip into debt regularly.  As the end of term approaches we kindly ask you to make sure you remain in credit, there are 9 days left at £2.30 per dinner which is £20.70.  Remember any monies left over will carry forward with your child into next year or refunds can be arranged.
