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Head's Blog

It's been great to see that all the children have settled in well to their new classes and have approached their learning eagerly.

Our Reception children have had a staggered start but will be in full time from Monday and we are looking forward to welcoming our Nursery children in next week.


Next Week

Saturday. Autumn Show at the Village Hall. Class competition winners will be judged there.

Tuesday: Yr5 Meet the Teacher 2.45pm

Wednesday: Football Club and Choir after school. 

Yr3 Meet the Teacher at 2.45pm

PTA Meeting 7pm

Thursday: Netball Club and Yr4 Meet the Teacher at 2.45pm


School Development Plan

Over the coming year the school is focussing on three main areas.

1. Assessment to build in a more detailed individual gap analysis for each child.

2. Emotional Health to provide children and yourselves strategies and approaches to support your child's emotions now and in the future.

3. Home Learning to ensure the basics, especially as reading is a focus, and to provide optional suggestions of activities to do with your children.
