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Help for families

In the current financial crisis, we know that school can be an expensive place. We want to help as much as possible so that all of our children are successful in school.

Please contact any member of staff who will do their best to help; the school has designated the Parent Support Worker, as a specific point of contact. She is in school on a Tuesday, but can be contacted via email.

Here are some ways we try to help all families:


1). Check if your child is eligible for Free School Meals:

If your child is eligible for free school meals, you need to get them registered. This will allow them to get a free meal at school and, as a school, we’ll get extra funding (known as the Pupil Premium) to support your child’s learning. You will also be eligible for a £3 voucher per day per child during school holidays.Children who are eligible for Free School Meals are also eligible for a supplement to attend extra-curricular clubs.

Check if your child is eligible for free school meals.



2). Use our PTA uniform shop for great uniform - it is the sustainable option too !

School Uniform

We also hold an annual Eco-Friendly Uniform Swap Day in the summer term where you can exchange old uniform. Unnamed school uniform is also available at the end of term for the KS1 playground.


3).Plan the financial year ahead using our school calendar ( costs correct for 2023/4).

Please note that payment for school trips is a voluntary donation.


We want every child to attend school trips and visits. No child should miss out due to financial difficulty. Any money requested by the school towards a trip/visit is a voluntary contribution

Children in Years 5 and 6 are offered the opportunity of a residential trip. We are here to support you with the affordability of expensive events such as school residential trips. We can set up payment plans and can also access funding to reduce the cost for those parents who are unable to meet the full cost.


4). Contact our Parent Support Worker, via the Office, for help regarding Foodbank and Hygiene Bag vouchers.

St Albans Community Pantry is a cross between a Foodbank and Community larder offering food, including bread and fresh produce. Referrals and vouchers are not needed.

St Albans Foodbank information can be found here. Please contact our Parent Support Worker for a voucher.

Olio and Too Good to Go are foodsharing apps that ensure food distribution in the local area.


5). Are you re-decorating ? Help the environment by buying trade quality paint at heavily discounted rates

Community Re-paint Barnet


6).Do you need carpet or flooring ? Help the environment by using this site for carpet and flooring.

St Albans Carpet and Flooring Re-use


7. Did you know that children on Free School Meals are eligible for support to attend extra-curricular clubs ? Please contact the Office for details.


8. Please come and talk to us, if we can help, we will.

Contact the school office, our Parent Support Worker or any member of staff.




