At Colney Heath School, we have developed a curriculum to stimulate pupils’ interest about the past and help them gain a detailed knowledge and understanding of our local area, Britain and the wider world. Our pupils learn about the earliest influences upon our civilisation, the impact Britain has had upon the world, and the ways in which our lives are continuously shaped by previous societies. We value our local history and especially its place in the Roman and Elizabethan narrative of Britain. We enrich our pupils’ experiences with trips to these localities, as well as others to help them understand key historical concepts. Skills of chronology, continuity and change, cause and consequence and interpretation of evidence are taught in each unit. Links with RE and Geography enable children to understand how our community is affected by the events of the wider world
History Links EYFS
Past and present
Prime or specific area of learning - Understanding the world
Criteria -
Children at the expected level of development will: