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Week beg  27.1.25

Welcome to February and Happy Chinese New Year! This year is the year of the year actually! People  born in this year are meant to be....wise/intelligent/resilient and....sneaky....not sure if I agree with those!

This year we have been cracking on with our learning.

Maths We have been working on the 3x/4x and 8x tables. PLEASE help your child to use TTRockstars as it really does help to know times tables. They really need to know them very quickly. I have put 2 things on here called 'Fix It' you might like to use.

English We have continued to write our own Alice in Wonderland stories using The Power of 3 adjectives, prepositions and 'Show not Tell'

History We learnt about The House of Wisdom

Art We did more printing using polystyrene tiles. We created mountains...they look amazing!

RE We learnt about Christian beliefs.

Music We played the glockenspiels.



Joke of the Week

What do Vikings use to encrypt their messages?

Norse code!! laugh


Over and out until next week! blush


Week beg 20.1.25

Welcome blog last week due to illness...which is making its way across the class...including me! This week we have been learning.......

Maths Been working on perimeter. This is the distance around a shape. You have to add the sides. So if a rectangle is 5cm by 3cm you add 5+5+3+3cm. 

It's amazing how many words there are in maths. Recently we have had perimeter, polygon, parallel, congruent and inverse. Ask your child what they all mean!

English We are still looking at Alice in Wonderland. They planned out their own lands and are now writing their own stories. We are working on something called 'Show not tell' This is where you write something in a less obvious way eg Bob's face was a shade of purple, which really means he was angry.  Or Bob ran like a cheetah towards the finish line which means he ran fast but doesn't use that word. It's quite a hard skill and something we are continuing to work on.

RE We learnt about Muslim beliefs.

PE Tag rugby as well as orienteering.

Art We did printing using a string block which we had to make. We have been looking at an artist called John Fellowes who makes pictures using lino blocks.



Joke of the week

Why don't rugby players wear glasses?

Because it's a contact sport!! blush


Over and out until next week! yes



Week beg 6.1.25

Happy New year and welcome back! I hope you had a good Christmas and your children had a lovely rest, they certainly seem raring to go this week! Even though we have only been back 4 days we have packed a lot in. This term's newsletter is now on here and the new spellings for the half term. Please look at them!

This week we also have our trip to the Bedford Faith Tour. It's really interesting and they welcomed us warmly last year. We are visiting a mosque, church and gurdwara. We are NOT praying but just learning about each religion. It is also our assembly this week on Friday....please come!

Maths This week we have learnt about lines and shape. We have had a lot of new words to learn including...parallel....perpendicular....vertices and polygon. Ask your  child what they mean to check they have been listening!

English We are looking at the story of Alice in Wonderland. We used prepositions to write the White Rabbit's journey.

Art This term we will be doing printing. We are basing our work on an artist called John Fellowes who loves mountains. We looked at and appraised some of his pictures which he makes out of lino!

French We have started to learn the names of musical instruments.

PE We have done some orienteering  and tag rugby.


It's been f...f...f.....reezing this week so please make sure your child is suitably attired and that includes PE kits!


Joke of the Week

What is small, read and whispers?


A hoarse radish!!laugh


Over and out until next week!cheeky



Final week of term

This week we have done lots of lovely things! We saw the year 2 dress rehearsal which was lovely, we watched the pantomime, walked to church for the carol service, enjoyed our Christmas party and finally watched the Rocksteady assembly which included our very own Billy, Eva and Connie!

It's been a very loooooooong term but we have learnt a lot and your lovely children have worked really hard so they deserve a rest but I would be failing in my teacher duty if I didn't encourage a bit of reading over the holiday!

Thank you sooooooooooo much for your gifts to me and the year 2 team. 

Have a lovely Christmas or holiday and have a happy new year!!  See you next year!!!


And a final Christmas cracker joke......

What is a ghost's favourite football position?

A ghoulkeeper!! laughsmileyblush


Over and out until next year! cheeky

Week beg 2.12.24 

This week we have done a lot of tests. The children actually quite like them! We have done reading and maths assessments which give us valuable data and information and help us to plan going forward for next term. Us teachers assess all the time and are constantly thinking of ways to help the children. On my drive home I frequently dwell on ways to help them if they haven't grasped something. The day flies by and before you know it, it's home time!

English We have continued to look at 'incredible jobs' from our book. This week learnt the words such a meticulous, creative, mysterious, dangerous and fabulous and used them to match up to different jobs such as a wig maker, foley artist and cryptozoologist-ask your child if you don't know what these jobs are!

Science We learnt about poles in magnets and what they mean.

Geography. We leant how to use latitude and longitude coordinates to locate places.

Christmas We also did our Christmas door, based on the book The Night Before Christmas. Each class is doing a door, they are looking great!!

Talking of Christmas, please sign up for food for our party on Thurs 19th. Thank you!


Christmas Joke of the week

Why did the spoon come to the Christmas party dressed as a knife?


Because he was told to look sharp!! blush


Over and out until next week! cheeky

Week beg 25.11.24

I hope you had a nice time at the Christmas Fair, thank you for supporting our PTA! I can't believe it is December 1st today, I had better do some Christmas shopping. Talking of which...if you fancy asking for a present from Santa, here's a brrrrrrrilliant book!

English We have started to look at a book called Incredible Jobs You Have (probably) Never Heard Of by Natalie Labarre It's choc full of weird and wonderful jobs such as....cow massager....funeral clowns...topiary artists....dinosaur dusters....and many more. The children LOVE this book!

Maths We are now onto column subtraction and regrouping the ones or tens eg 456-139

Science We turned our results from the previous week into a table and wrote a conclusion about friction.

D and T We had a great tasting session on Friday, research for making our own snack. We tasted jam...marmite...cheese spread and cucumber....cheese and onion and egg. We had a tasting sheet and used the headings yummy...yuck...ok. We looked at smell, texture, appearance and of course...taste! To my amazement egg came out as the favourite flavour! To my not amazement marmite was the least popular!

Music We are learning some little tunes using the glockenspiels and had another ukulele lesson.


Phew! It's always a busy old week in year 3 so a day off next Friday (6th December) will be great!


As it's now December, I think it's appropriate for a Christmas out, I have a lot of them!!


Christmas Joke of the Week

What hides in a bakery at night? 

A mince-spy!!!!cheeky


Over and out until next week. yes

Week beg 18.11.24

Brrrrrrrrrr! It was a very chilly week this week. When children say they are cold, you know it's cold! This week we have been scientists, linguists, mathematicians, writers, readers and geographers!

Maths We are still working on column addition. We learnt to 'regroup' the ones and tens. In old money, you would know this as 'carrying' but we don't call it that anymore! Ask your child to tell you what we have done.

English We are writing our own fables based on The Hare and the Tortoise. We have to use a lot of 'ingredients' in our work including noun phrases. This is used for describing. eg The slow, grey elephant. The colourful, pretty rainbow. The use of the comma cuts out using 'and' a lot. We are also learning a technique called 'Show not Tell' For example, instead of saying The cheetah was fast, you could say The cheetah zoomed through the forest like a Ferrari. It is a less obvious way of describing things and a good technique to learn. We also learnt about prepositions-these are words that tell yu where something is eg through/under/over/behind/on top of

Geography We learnt about The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Countries near these lines are generally wet and warm, especially the rainforest.

Science We have been learning about friction. We did an investigation into moving cars down a ramp onto different surfaces. We then measured the distance the car had travelled.

Reading We read an extract from The Iron Man.


Don't forget the Christmas Fair next Saturday and the occasional day on the 6th December.


Joke of the Week

How does a tiger like his steak?



Over and out until next week!heart





Week beg 11.11.24

The beginning of the week saw us celebrate poppy day on the playground with the whole school....the end of the week saw us celebrate Children in Need Day. Thank you for your donations!

In other news....

Maths We have been learning column addition and 'regrouping' in old money you probably called it 'carrying' but that is not the term we use any more!

English We have been learning a technique in writing called 'show not tell'. This is where you want to say something but in a less obvious way. EG Instead of saying 'The mouse felt frightened' we can say 'The mouse's heart was pounding, his fur stood on end with fright and his eyes were the size of footballs'.

Science We learnt about the forces push and pull and how you need to have contact between two objects. eg a person and a door.

Geography We learnt about The Equator and used an atlas to find countries that the equator runs through eg Brazil and Republic of Congo are just two of them.

DT We learnt where we get our food from eg Is it grown...processed....reared...harvested or caught?

PE In PE we are doing hockey! This week we were learning how to control the ball. The weather is getting colder but we will go outside as much as possible. A tracksuit would be a really good investment....a pressie from Santa maybe?!


Joke of the Week 

What do you call a small pepper in autumn?

A little chilli!! wink


Over and out until next week!yes


Week beg 4.11.24

Welcome back! I hope you and your child had a lovely half term....what lovely weather we had! So onto this week....

History We had a lovely trip to Celtic Harmony. I hope your child told you all about it. We did weaving....grinding wheat...dying bracelets and making a soup. We had a lovely time...the children were enthusiastic, well behaved and engaged. Look out for the photos soon!

Maths We have been learning how to use the inverse of an operation to find a missing number. eg 28+_____=79

Instead of adding,use the inverse which is subtraction so 79-28=51.

English We have been learning about fables. Your child should be able to tell you what a fable is so I will leave that to them!

Reading We read The Owl and the Pussycat and answered questions.

PE Non Stop Action are doing hockey with the class.

Ukulele We have learnt 4 chords and can now play a bit of Shotgun by George Ezra!


Joke of the week...

What do you call a queue of salad vegetables?

A queue-cumber!!! laugh


The new spellings are on our class page so please take a look but they are also at the back of the reading books.


Over and out until next week! yes


Week beginning 21.10.24

It was lovely to see you at the parent consultations last week. I hope you enjoyed looking at your child's work! It's been a very long half term so your children deserve a rest. However, I wouldn't be fulfilling my teacher duties unless I reminded you to.....

Keep recapping the spellings from this half term.

Read something at least 4x a week

Do TT Rockstars! Sadly we didn't win the battle against year 4 but congrats to Emily (most valued player), Aya and Billy. I hope you enjoy the awards from Miss Dockrell!

This week I have attached a times table poem about the 3x table, your child might like to try and learn it.

Have a lovely half term!


PS A final joke for this half term. 

What does a witch hang on her washing line....

Her abracada-bras!!!! laugh


Over and out until after half term.


3x table poem 'Threes Please'

Week beg 14.10.24

It was lovely to see so many of you at our assembly on Friday. Well done for answering the quiz questions so well! 

This week we have...

English Been looking at some poems, one was called Words our Ours by Michael Rosen and the other was called The Magic Box by Kit Wright. We listened to them and then compared them by looking at the meaning as well as the structure.

Maths We are still working on our mental addition skills. Keep practising those pairs to 10...have a game of Ping Pong! You say ping...your child says say 7...they say say 8...they say pong and so on! See how many you can do in 1 minute!

Music I haven't been telling you about our ukulele lessons....possibly the highlight of my week! Every Thursday we have a lesson and have now learnt the 4 strings...GCEA then we have learnt 4 chords...C...A   F minor. I am learning along with the children and enjoy it as much as them!



Please keep reading everyday and the TT Rockstars battle against year 4 has started....come on year 3, we want to win this!

When I looked today year 4 are winning by....a lot!


Joke of the day

What do bees have when they move into a hive?

A house swarming party!!wink


Over and out until next week!  surprise


Week beg 7.10.24

This week we have been...historians....scientists....mathematicians...writers and coders!

Maths In Maths we are learning strategies for adding. We are always looking for numbers that make 10 or 100 as it makes life easier so if you were adding 39+71, you might spot  that 9+1=10 and 30+70=100 so....100+10=110. It is VITAL your child knows their pairs to 10 INSTANTLY as this is the key to so many calculations. A good game to do is using a pack of playing cards. Remove the picture cards, then place them face down on a table. Pick 2 cards, if they add up to 10 you get to keep the pair. If they don't, replace them and try and remember where you have put them. Keep going until you have 5 pairs.

English We have been writing our own Mini Rabbit stories using.....a list, an ! and a ? plus conjunctions. 

Computing We used Purple Mash to solve a magician problem. We had to make a rabbit disappear, then reappear by using a timer.

History We found out about Stonehenge! Ask your child what 'henge' means to test out their listening and how Stonehenge was used as a calendar and a hospital!

Art We evaluated our amazing owl pictures. If you come to our assembly on Friday...9.00am, you will see them!


Other news....Your child has been given their TT Rockstar login...stuck in their reading record. We are having a 'battle' against year 4! To win this, we need as many children as possible to use TT Rockstars. 

ASSEMBLY REMINDER FRIDAY 18th OCTOBER...please come and see our lovely learning!



Joke of the week

Why did the bald man paint rabbits on his head?


Because from a distance they looked like hares!!! laugh


Over and out until next week! cheeky


Week beg 30.9.24

This week we have been writing, reading, drawing, thinking scientifically, speaking French, calculating, coding and much much more!

History In our Stone Age topic  we learnt about an amazing place in Scotland called Skara Brae! It's in the Orkney Islands and in 1850 there was a huge storm that blew the sand off the top of a neolithic house! You might think stone age people just went about killing animals and grunting but they were amazing builders, farmers, artists and tool makers. 

Maths We were learning how to compare numbers and round them. We used rounding mountains.....get your child to explain to you how to do this!

Computing We have been coding and using timers.

Art We have done some super owl drawings using chalk and charcoal. Our assembly on Friday 18th October will show our terrific work.

Science We learnt about 3 different types of rock....sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous....phew!

Reading We have been reading about Stonehenge!

French We can now say.....hello, how are you, reply, goodbye, see you later and my name is. Get your child to teach you a wee bit!


As you can see.....a busy old week!


Joke of the Week

How does a penguin make pancakes?

With his flippers! laugh


Over and out until next week! wink

Week beg 23.9.24

This week has flown by, as has the month of September! We have been doing really well with our learning. This week....

Maths We have been comparing and ordering numbers and have learnt to round them.

English We are writing about a book called Mini Rabbit Not Lost. We used adjectives to describe a setting.

Science We have been learning about different types of rock and if they would be suitable to build a step. We have learnt to identify.....limestone basalt chalk sandstone slate gneiss and marble. We did a scratch test, a hardness test and a permeability test. 

RE We learnt about a baptism.

History We did some fabulous cave paintings by researching the Lascaux caves in France.

Art We used sketching pencils to draw the other half of an owl picture.....they were amazing!


Joke of the Week

What did the thief say when he was caught stealing a kitkat?

Give me a break!!! laugh


Over and out until next week.yes

Week beg 16.9.24

We have been busy bees this week. It's amazing how much we pack into a day, so if your child is a little tired at the end of the day then you know why. A typical day is as follows....

Registers (we do feedback marking during this time) Assembly (most days) Reading English Break Maths Lunch Story Maths Fluency plus 2 foundation subjects. Phew!

So onto this week....

French Mon classe has really been enjoying French. We have learnt to say hello to friends as well as more formal greetings, how are you? as well as replying, goodbye and see you later. We know a few colours as well so we try and do the register in French each morning! I have created a new 'blob' so you can see the vocabulary we have learnt.

History We looked at artefacts that archaeologists have found and worked out what they told us about the Stone Age.

Maths We learnt how to subtract/add 10/100 including crossing the tens barrier eg 109-10   206-10

English We wrote some setting descriptions about the colourful town in Out of the Blue

Computing We are coding! We are learning to make a character move and speak using a timer!


Remember, this is only a little taste of our learning during the week!


However busy we are, we always have time for our Joke of the Day....

Why did the pirate walk the plank?


Because he didn't have a dog!!cheeky


Over and out until next week! yes

Week beg 9/9/24

Welcome to our first weekly blog! This was our first full week in year 3 and they have settled in nicely! So what have we been up to? This is just a little taster of some of our learning.

Maths We have been learning how to read and write 3 digit numbers and 'build' them using equipment in the class.

English We have been looking at a book called 'Out of the Blue' in fact ALL the classes in the school are reading it. It about a place where everything has to be blue but one boy likes the colour yellow so he starts to collect yellow things.

We wrote some lovely 'Blue is....' poems as well as a diary entry and questions.

History We have started to learn about the Stone Age. It is such a looooooooooong period of time that it is split into 3 periods....ask your child what they are called!

Science We learnt what a rock is and the difference between natural and man made rocks.

PE A little intro into netball and how to make a chest pass.

That's just a wee snapshot of our week! Please keep learning the spellings set which are at the back of the reading records.


Joke of the week...

What food goes well with a jacket potato?

A button mushroom!! laugh


Over and out until next week!
