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Mrs Otway's weekly blog

Week beginning 15.7.24

Well, sadly this is the last blog of the year. sadIf you have looked in occasionally to see what we have been up to, I thank you! It must be me getting older but the year seems to have gone by in a flash. The class haven't just grown in their learning but in height, some, I think, are the same as me!!

Last week the children had to write a little bit about the year and what they had enjoyed learning, so I have compiled a sort of top 10 of what they said although to be honest it could be the top 20-30 things they liked! This class have worked really hard and we have laughed everyday about something!

10 English books-The Finger Eater being a popular choice!

9 ukulele

8 Maths-column subtraction/addition and multiplication

7 French-veggies/fruit/numbers/colours

6 Music-Three Little Birds being a favourite song! Rick Astley-Never Gonna Give you Up!

5 RE and the Faith Tour

4 Art, Leavesden Country Park, drawing and printing

3 Computing-sending emails, branching databases and coding

2 Science, plants, rocks,  and....................................................

                                         1  Stone age topic and the trip to Celtic Harmony and of very bad jokes!!! laugh

Thank you for being a lovely, friendly and supportive parents. it has been lovely to see you at assemblies and participating in quizzes.

Have a great summer......of course it wouldn't be right to end with out a joke or two....


What do you call a man who spins straw into pudding?


Crumblestiltskin!!! yes


Why did the jellybean go to school?


Because it wanted to be a smartie!! cheeky


Over and out for this year.  wink



Week beg 24.6.24

On Friday we had a super day out at Leavesden Country Park. It is a lovely place to go to if you are looking for a cheap day out in the summer, there is a lovely cafe there too! It is home to several sculptures which we enjoyed looking at and sketching. We also went into the woodland area and tried to identify some trees. Luckily the weather was on our side and the children really enjoyed it.

Once I have looked at the pics we took, I will put them on here!

We have done a lot of tests this week but we still had time to do some sewing in D and T We have started to make a pencil case, you can see these on the open afternoon on the 10th July. 

We also planted some cress seeds in Science and put one lot in the cupboard as we were learning why plants need light to grow.

We also learnt about Boissy-sous-St Yon in France which is the town Colney Heath is twinned with. Like us, they have a church and two schools. They also have fields and farms nearby as well as a footie team. Boissy was chosen because it is about the same distance from Paris is as Colney Heath is from London.

Thank you for supporting the PTA and school at the fair yesterday, it was lovely to see so many people there, raising finds for school.


Joke of the Week

What is a hedgehog's favourite food?

Prickled onions!! wink


Over and out until next week! cheeky

Week beg 17.6.24

Thank you for coming to our sports day...the children really enjoyed it. Thank heavens the weather was finally on our side!

This week in Science we have continued to look at our plants! The beans have really started to grow roots and shoots. We also looked at how water is taken up in a plant by putting celery into red food colouring. After a few days we have ended up with red celery!

RE We learnt about The Holy Trinity. This is quite a difficult concept to understand but the class really impressed me with some of their previous knowledge. We also looked at the symbols of The Holy Spirit.

English We wrote some persuasive booklets about looking after beaches.

Maths We are working out minutes to/past the hour. Many of the class have found this very tricky....something for you to practice in the summer!

Computing We completed a branching data base.

PSHE We looked at the development of a baby in the womb (line drawings) and learnt what a baby needs to grow.


Don't forget our school trip on Friday, where we will do lots of sketching. There is quite a lot of walking so make sure you equip your child with sensible footwear!


Joke of the Week

What kind of shoes does a plumber wear?


Tap shoes! yes


Over and out until next week! smiley

Week beg 10.6.24

In Science this week we  planted some bean seeds! We are watching to see what happens to them as our science topic is all about plants. we learnt about the functions of the roots, flowers and leaves. 

Maths We are learning about telling the time to the nearest minute. Time is always one of the topics that children find hard. You can really help with this at home by asking your child to tell you the time on an ANALOGUE clock, not just digital times. 

D and T We did some practice sewing this week...oh boy! We are going to make some pencil cases so watch this space!

English We started to write explanations about how a plastic bottle is recycled. 

PSHE We have started to talk about changes. Don't forget that you were sent all the information about what is coming up so please have a look at it. Our year group is mainly about body changes-outside and inside.

Computing Using Purple Mash we created some branching databases about fruit.


Coming up......

Next week is our postponed Sports Day! This begins for KS2 at 1.30. Our trip is 28th June.


Joke of the Week

What do you call a F1 Cheese race?

The Grand Brie!!!cheeky


Over and out until next week!


Week beg 3.6.24

I can't believe it's June already and we are on the last stretch before the Summer. We still have a lot of learning to secure and pack in so please try and get your children into school, even if they have a wee sniffle! 

Maths This week we have been securing addition and subtraction in money problems.

English We watched 3 different clips about plastic in the ocean.. the scale of the problem is truly shocking. We wrote notes, then we used our notes to write an article about the 'plastic problem' We used lots of conjunctions and paragraphs to write out articles. They were really good....when you come to open afternoon (Weds 10th July) you can see them!

Science We have learnt a lot about light. We did a shadow investigation to understand why shadows move, we just about had enough sun to do it!

French We have been learning how to say 'I would like a kilo of.......'

D and T We have started to look at pencil cases....this term we are going to make one! Any sewers out there that would like to help us, please let me know!

Computing We asked yes/no questions in preparation for making branching databases next week.

Phew....first week back but what a busy one!


Finally.......Joke of the Week

How did the burger propose to the bun?


With an onion ring!!!! wink


Over and out until next week!!





Week beg 13.5.24

The sun has been out this week which is lovely. I seem to have a growing amount of lost property because there are no names on clothes. PLEASE label everything, this is the time of year when children take a jumper off on the field and it will only find its way back if it is labelled. So onto this week...

History We have been learning about local history, especially the school. We are lucky that we have some old log books dating back to the 1800s! We even looked at a punishment book and were quite amazed by children's 'offences' and their punishments. Persistent talking was quite a common 'crime' with a stroke or two of the cane! Children were even caught smoking! Colney Heath School actually used to be sited where Scholar's Court is now...hence the name!

French Ooo la la....we have been learning the names of 10 veggies and how to say' I would like a kilo of.......' eg Je voudrais un kilo d'epinards' In other words I would like a kilo of spinach.

Science We looked at different ways of recording shadows made by different materials.

Art We made some more sculptures, this time some 3D sporty people made from tin foil and card.

Maths  Division-regrouping using the bus stop method.

English We are still writing our own fables based on some of the ones we have looked at.




Joke of the week

What do you get if you lose a quarter of your roof?

An oof!!!! laugh


Over and out until next week! cheeky





Week beg  6.5.24

A BIG THANK YOU for coming to our assembly on Friday. It was lovely to see so many of you including grandparents. I had  the most wonderful grandparents who would have loved to have come to an assembly if they had lived nearer so its always nice to see a set or two at an assembly! I hope you learnt a thing or two about sculptures. They say 'Every day is a school day'!

Other things we have done this week...

Maths We have been dividing using the 'bus stop' method...ask your child about this! The class are also learning about decimals with Mr Marvelly on a Tuesday.

Literacy We have been writing a description of Happville....the town where Mr Peabody lives. We used noun phrases and conjunctions to add detail to our writing.

Computing We are still using 2graph on Purple Mash which helps to make different types of graph.


A bit of a short week due to the Bank holiday and assembly practice but we still have time for a wee joke or two courtesy of Alfie!!


What do you call James Bond after a bath?

Bubble-O-7!! laugh


What do you call a fat genie?

A four-chin teller!! cheeky


Over and out until next week. Don't forget that Sports Day (pm for KS2) is on Thursday 23rd May.


Week beg 29.4.24

As I type this I can't believe we are now in May! If you read back over these weekly blogs you can see what a year of learning we have had and when I look at the children's  work it is lovely to see the 'starting point' in September to where they are now. It's a big ol' jump from year 2 to year 3 but we have coped brilliantly so far! So onto our learning this week.....

Maths This week we are still dividing. We are also doing mini times table test every Friday. I started this when the pool was here because the children were coming and going at different times. I saw a real improvement in their recall of 2/3/4/5/8/ and 10x tables. You can always help with this by firing times table questions on your way to school!

RE We looked at Christian rules and made up our own rules for living.

Computing We are using a programme called 2Graph that helps you to build your own graphs using data that we have collected.

English We have started to look at a book called Mr Peabody's Apples which is like a modern day fable. If you want to find out more about this book....come to our assembly which is on Friday 10th May at 9.00. It's the last one of the year.... and we have a great song to sing!


So onto this week's joke....

I was going to tell you a joke about a pencil....but it's pointless!! (Olive)


Over and out until next week.wink

Week beginning 22.4.24

This week  it's been week 2 in the pool and the class have loved it! Some children that couldn't swim before are now swimming with no swimming aids and the smiles on their wee faces said it all! It will be sad to see it go but look out for it next year!

Maths This week we have still been learning how to divide with remainders...this is proving quite tricky for some children-times tables are the key to division so please help them to learn their 2s/3s/4s/5s/8s and 10s.

Literacy We have started to talk about fables. We read two different versions of The Hare and the Tortoise and compared them. A fable teaches us a lesson, Aesop was the biggest writer of fables-many phrases we use today come from him.

Science We learnt about reflective light.

Art We had great fun making a mouse sculpture out of an egg box...they look amazing!

French We have been learning how to say 'I can/can not.....' do things eg Je peux faire du velo means I can ride a bike.


Our assembly date is Friday 10th May so please put it in your diary!


Joke of the week....

Did you hear about the race between two giraffes......?


It was neck and neck!! surprise


Over and out until next week.


Week beg 15.4.23

Welcome back! I hope you all had a nice Easter and filled up on choc! This week we have had an amazing time in the pool. The children have gone off and come back with BIG smiles on their faces....including those that were a wee bit worried about it. Just a little reminder to pack the underwear in the bags for when they are changed!!!!

The new spellings are now on here under home learning

In other news....

Maths We have been learning how to divide

English We wrote about a cherry blossom festival in South Korea, using the Atlas of Adventures Book. We have been using prepositions which tell you where something is.

Art We have been talking about sculpture.

Science We have started to talk about light and learnt what light sources are.

Computing We learnt how to send an attachment with an email.

Times tables. We have been doing some little times tables tests using the 2s/3s/4s/5s/8s and 10s. by the end of the week our scores have improved and the time to complete has decreased.

It's been quite an action packed week..... but still time for a joke!


I like good jokes about eyes....the 'cornea' the better! laugh

Over and out until next week! 




Week beg 4.3.24

This week saw World Book Day. I showed the history of my reading from when I was about 5 and I still have the books! I started my reading journey by being a member of The Cat in the Hat Club. I got a book in the post every month which I loved. I still have some of the books including The King, the Mice and the Cheese. I also read Topsy and Tim, followed by The Secret Seven and The Famous Five. I also read Mallory Towers and St Claires and every Christmas I got the Blue Peter Annual. I have always been a reader and still read something everyday  before I go to sleep. As an adult, one of my favourite books is The Island by Victoria Hislop. I have progressed to a Kindle now, but there is a part of me that just loves the weight of a book in your hand. We watched a live lesson the BBC which recommended some great books, including the Sam Wu series which we are reading one of now.

The children bought in all sorts of favourite can see some pictures under the class events star. We went to Nursery and read them was very sweet! 


In Computing we learnt how to send emails. I asked them all to send me some jokes and I said some of them would appear on here so here goes!!!

What kind of tiles can't you stick on walls? (Muna)





What do you call a stupid pig thief?( Maggie)


A Hamburglar!!laugh


What do ghosts eat for supper?




Why did the turkey cross the road? (Josh)


To prove he wasn't chicken!!laugh


That's all for this week. Please keep Dr Seuss said....."The more that you read, the more you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go"


Over and out until next week! yes




Week beg 26.2.24

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term. We have got right back into the swing of learning so here goes for some more news from year 3!

Maths We are still working on fractions, especially ordering fractions. This can be quite tricky when the denominator-the number on the bottom- is different. 

English-We have been reading the book called The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. We then wrote a letter as if we had seen the wolf 'accidentally' blowing down the pigs' houses!

D and T We looked at books that had moving parts.

French We have started to learn verbs and Je peux....this means I am able to. We learnt the French sing skip cook and ride a bike.

Computing We talked about different forms of communication and the pros and cons of each one. 

Geography We have started to learn about Europe and used atlases to find the different countries.

So all in all a busy few days!


My guest jokers this week are Charlie and Alfie who found these jokes during parent consultations!


Why do elephants like trees?


Because they both have trunks! cheeky


Knock Knock

Who's there?


Europe who?

Europe too early today! yes


Over and out until next week!

Week beg 5.2.24

This week  saw two things....Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and Feeling Good Week where we did some lessons outside.

There is no doubt that the internet has changed teaching dramatically. I did an assembly this week where I told the children that when I was training to be a teacher, I had to do a lesson on clouds. Today I could quickly type in 'clouds' into a search engine and hey presto...a picture comes up. I told the school that I had to go to a library....get a book.... and then make a poster using chalk and charcoal to teach clouds! The look on some of their faces was an absolute picture! By the way, I was very proud of my poster! Using the internet is great but there are a lot of rules and parent monitoring is vital as we live in such a rapidly changing digital world.

Art We went outside as part of our Feeling Good Week to collect sticks to turn into butterflies. They look great so I will put a picture on here to show you. Some of the printing we did is also on here. Look under the class event star.

Maths We started learning about fractions and finding non unit fractions of amounts eg 3/5 of 45 or 3/10 of 1m. Fractions are always quite a tricky concept so ask your child some of these types of question.

English We wrote a letter from Gudrun, the girl in The Finger Eater explaining how she tricked the troll. Despite its title, the class loved this story!

Computing We did some more coding and touch typing.

Guided Reading We read a story called The Dark, all about a boy who is afraid of it until the dark shows him to be less afraid.

French We have been learning the vocabulary for some instruments.... ....recorder...violin...harp...guitar...triangle...drums...piano...trumpet... ask you child what the words are....merci!


It's also parent consultation week next week-remember our system has changed for how to book a slot so please make one if you haven't already.


So...jokes  of the week. based on music as we have been learning instruments in our French lessons.

 What makes music on your head?
 A head band!

 What part of the turkey is musical?
 The drumstick! surprise


Over and out until next week.


Week beg 29.1.24

So here we are in February! The sun actually appeared this week and the evenings are getting lighter so all is good!

This week in year 3....

History We learnt all about The Silk Road, which was all about trade. It's amazing what was traded by who in 762 including animals, silk, fruit, gold and silver. Baghdad was THE trading centre as it was slap bang in the middle of three continents...Asia, Africa and Europe.

PE We have been orienteering as well as putting dance sequences together.

Art We continued our printing techniques.

PSHE We are talking about dreams and goals and what to do to achieve them and the challenges we might face.

Maths We are learning about dividing and multiplication word problems.

English We wrote Wanted posters about The Finger Eater-I really enjoyed reading them!


Laugh of the week this week came from Charlie...

I want to tell you a joke about a tree......................


But I'm stumped!!!  wink


Don't forget to sign up for a parent consultation time which are next Tuesday and Thursday.

Over and out until next week! mail


Week beg 22.1.24

This week we have been doing lots of new  learning.....

History We learnt about The House of Wisdom. This was an amazing place of learning in Baghdad where whole books were copied out by scribes. The scribes got paid by the weight of the book...the heavier the book, the more gold they got.The class were really interested in this topic. There were inventions too, including something called The Elephant Clock an amazing contraption that helped to tell the time.

Maths We have been learning something called the associative  and distributive do with multiplication...ask your child about it!

French We have been learning instrument words.

English We have been looking at a funny book called The Finger Eater!

Science We did a little investigation to see if we are squares or rectangles! This means that if your arm span and height are the same you are a square...if your height or armspan are different you are a rectangle. Ii involved lots of measuring...try it at home and see what you are.....I am a square!!!

Computing We did some more coding...we had to programme a monkey to jump up and eat a banana!

All in all...a busy old week in the life of year 3 and remember, this is just a wee snapshot!


My guest joker this week is Freddie......

What days are the strongest days of the week?

Saturday and Sunday because all the others are week (weak) days!!wink

Thank you Freddie!


Over and out until next week! cool


Week beg 15.1.24

This week we went on a trip to Bedford to see three different places of worship....a mosque...a Gurdwara and a church. The children were brilliantly behaved and really engaged with this trip. They asked questions and answered questions and were very respectful of each religion. We were made very welcome by all three places. It was also nice to show off a bit of our learning especially in the mosque and church so I was very proud of them. They really enjoyed it and considering it was a full on day, they did brilliantly. Having never been in a mosque or gurdwara before, I also found it fascinating to see how different the places were but how similar the messages nice, work hard, think of others and be honest. Quite simple really!

I have put the pictures on here but there are more to come, so have a look under the class events star.

It was lovely to see so many of you on Friday in our assembly and thank you for participating so well  in French Bingo...or should I say...tres bien!!

In other news....

Maths We learnt about dividing including remainders

English We completed our Magic Box poem.

History We compared homes in Britain with a home in the city of Baghdad

PSHE We talked about dreams and goals...what the class would like to do when they are older and the challenges they might face.

In Science we learnt about endo and exoskeletons.


Our guest joker this week is Luke...who told me this joke on the coach on Wednesday.

What do you get if you cross a vampire with a teacher?


A blood test!!! cheeky


Thank you Luke...very funny!


Over and out until next week! yes



Week beg 8.1.24

This week we have gone straight back into our learning and it's been an action packed week as we have started lots of new topics. Don't forget two things this week....our trip on Wednesday and our assembly on Friday at 9.05...we have lots to tell you!

History This week we started to learn about Early Islam, starting with the city of Baghdad and how there were certain similarities with castles.

English We have been writing our own Magic Box poems.

Art We have been looking at a printing artist and made our own string can see our work on Friday.

Computing We have done some touch typing using the correct fingers.

Maths We are learning the 4x and 8x can practice these at home! We played two games called Fix it.....which you could try at home so I have put them on here.

Music We are learning a song by Bob Marley..Three Little Birds...come and hear it on Friday!

It's going to be f....f.....f.....reezing this week so please send your children in with appropriate clothes....gloves....hats....and a coat!


This week's joke is based on the cold weather!

What does the Eskimo use in cold weather to seal his house?


They use the i-glues!   frown


Over and out until next week!



Week beg 1.1.24.

Happy New year! Welcome to 2024, the year of the dragon. Thank you so much for all your gifts to me and the year 3 team. We really do appreciate them! We have a lot coming up so please keep checking in on this page as this is the best way to communicate with you all. The newsletter is on here and the spellings for this half term. Our assembly is quite soon so please make a note of the date....Friday 19th January at 9.05am after drop off.

Although we have only had two days back, we have already started our learning. This weekly blog tells you what we have been up to each week and the weekly joke of course.

To get us off to a good start and put a smile on your face's joke is from one of the many crackers I pulled over Christmas....enjoy!

What beats his chest and swings from Christmas cake to Christmas cake?

Tarzipan! laugh

Over and out until next week. 

Week beg 4.12.23

Welcome to December! Time is zooming by and we are nearly at the end of the first term. We have packed in a lot of new learning so please keep talking to your children about their school day, if they ever say they haven't done anything, don't believe them!

We have had quite a lot of assessments to do in Maths and Reading but we have still managed to pack in some other learning.

Literacy We are looking at a great book called Until I Met Dudley. It's about a girl who thinks she knows how every day items work but really doesn't! For example she thinks a fridge is cold because polar bears sit in there and play with the ice! The book then explains how a fridge really does work-no polar bears included!

Maths We have started to talk about perimeter and polygons.

Computing We talked about not believing everything you read and see on the Internet. Using Purple Mash we made spoof websites about a shortage of Christmas Trees!

PSHE This lesson was all about saying kind things to each other and giving complements.


We have started to open out Advent House calendar, each day we pick a name at random and that person get a chocolate...and a joke!


This is one of my favourite Christmas jokes!


What is green, covered in tinsel and goes 'ribbet ribbet'?


Mistletoad!!! crying


What do you call a hot snowman?



The party list for food will be circulated next week so please sign up. Our party afternoon is Monday 18th December. Please can you check all packaging for nut ingredients. Thank you!


Over and out until next week! laugh


Week beg 27.11.23

Last week we had a lot of fun in our D and T lesson. We used some kitchen implements to make a 'healthy snack' We used a grater...a peeler... and knives! We planned what base we wanted...wrap...roll or sliced bread. Next we planned the veg part-cucumber...grated carrot or tomatoes. Finally we chose a filling....tuna...chicken..or ham.

It was great to see the children get so hands on with these things....some a little more successful than others but its all a learning curve. The class really enjoyed eating the fruits of their labours too as there was barely a clean plate left in the classroom!

In Maths we were still learning about column subtraction.

In RE we learnt about Advent  and the meanings of the Advent wreaths.

In Science we had lots of fun learning about magnetic and non magnetic  metals.

In PSHE we discussed how to resolve issues by talking.

At the end of the week each class put up a Christmas door....ours is on the theme of jumpers and looks great! It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


Christmas joke of the week

What was Santa's favourite subject at school?

Chemis-tree!!!  blush


Over and out until next week! laugh



Week beginning 20.11.23

This week we have been working our little socks off! If your child is tired when they come home, it is no wonder as a typical day goes like this..... Assembly...Guided reading....maths....break...English....lunch...story....maths fluency plus 2 subjects in the afternoon. It's an action packed day. I am always amazed if any of us are still standing by the end of the day! This class are enthusiastic in their learning and love a challenge. I often ask them to remember something and first through the door with the fact gets a team point! Last week it was to remember a lady called Bessie Colman....ask your child about her and what she is famous for. So other things we have learnt...

Maths Column subtraction plus lines with Mr Marvelley including parallel and perpendicular lines

English We are still writing a story to go with the book Mini Rabbit Not Lost

Geography We learnt about the lines of latitude and longitude

In D and T we looked at where our food comes from and planned the healthy snacks we are going to make on Weds

French We now know numbers up to 10 and 10 colours

Science We had fun with magnets!


Don't forget school is closed on Dec 1st as we have an occasional day...I am off to start some Chrimbo shopping!


Christmas Jokes of the week

What is sneaky and lives in a bakery?


A mince-spy!!!! angry


What did santa get when he swallowed some Christmas decorations?

Tinselitis!! cheeky


Over and out until next week! yes

Week beg 13.11.23

This week we saw International Kindness Day! We actually have a kindness calendar in the class and they tick it every time they do something kind or help someone else. It's nice to see so many ticks on there each month! We also had Children In Need Day. Thank you for your donations and for sending in and buying cakes.So onto this week....

Maths In Maths we have been using column addition including regrouping.

English We have started to look at a book called Mini Rabbit Not Lost. There aren't many words in the book so we have been writing the story using conjunctions and prepositions. A preposition tells you where something is eg front of....across. They are good to use as they add detail to the writing.

Geography Mr Battle (student teacher) has been teaching the class about the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer as well as the Equator.

RE We learnt about  a Christian baptism.

In both PSHE and Computing we have been talking about bullying including cyber bullying. We learnt why there are age restrictions on games, films and websites

Ukulele news....we have a new teacher. He taught us what the strings are by using this phrase....Green Cats Eat Ants! We have now learnt quite a few chords......C....C7.....F and A minor


Phew...what a lot to pack in! PLEASE keep hearing your child read at least 4x a week and they MUST have their book in school each day.


Joke of the Week

How does a tree get on the internet?

It logs in! wink


Over and out until next week! cheeky


Week beginning 6th November

It must be me getting older but I can't quite believe we are into November already! The weather is really turning so PLEASE make sure your child is equipped for the outdoors. We would also like each child to have a pair of wellies as we are making changes  outside and it's getting more and more muddy. So onto this week....

Literacy This week we looked at some poetry. I love poems! They are short, easier to read and many children who don't really like reading seem to like them too! We looked at one called Dazzledance and then we looked at one called 'A Poem to be Spoken Silently'. We then wrote our own poems in the same style and boy did I have some lovely results! They are displayed on our classroom wall but if you have a moment and wish to see your child's efforts come and take a peek after school! (Any day except Tuesday!) We used thesauruses to help us...see the joke below!


Maths We were looking at using the inverse to find missing numbers eg 27+______=49 If you use the inverse operation eg subtraction you can do 49-27=22

Geography Mr Battle taught them about the equator, southern and northern hemisphere.

PE The class are doing gymnastic sequences using symmetry and asymmetry

Computing We were talking about online safety and cyberbullying and what to do if you are experiencing this.

So all in all a busy old week and remember this is just a snapshot of our week!


Joke of the week

Which dinosaur had the best vocabulary?

The thesaurus!!!!  laughlaugh


Over and out until next week! cool



Week beginning 30.10.23

Hello! Apologies for late blog post but there were gremlins in the website! We had such a lovely day at Celtic Harmony, please look at the pictures under class events. We were called Raven Tribe! We learnt how to make bread by grinding wheat between big stones, then we made dough balls! 

We also 'carded' some fleece and learnt about weaving by using a shuttle on a loom. We made a sort of soup for our leader by mashing herbs, we also used a dye to dye wool to make bracelets. At the end of the day we listened to a story told by our leader! We sat in a super iron age round house. It would have been hard work living in the ironage, so I will stick with 2023!

If you ever wonder if school trips are value for money this one really is! We had such good experiences and the children thoroughly enjoyed it....I hope they told you about it when they got home!

Short blog this week due to the website glitches but I can't leave without a stone age joke or two.....


Who did all the counting for cave men?

Woolly mam-MATHS!!laugh



What type of music did cavemen like the most?

Rock music! cheeky



Week beg 16.10.23

It was nice to see so many of you at parent consultations and for you to have a look at your child's work. It's been a busy half term and we have packed in a lot of new learning. It's a fair old leap from year 2 to year 3 but we are all coping with it brilliantly! Thank you for your wonderful participation in our assembly quiz, your enthusiasm was admirable!

Don't forget our school trip is 31st October, the first Tuesday back after half term. Last year it bucketed down all day so I am praying for at least a dry day....please send your child to school in sensible footwear even if it's not stoneage like! So a quick round up of learning for this half term....

Maths Adding a 2 digit number to a 3 digit number, subtracting tens where it crosses the 100 barrier eg 207-10, bar charts and pictograms and recapping 2x,3x,5x,10 times tables, rounding numbers and place value.

English We have learnt the term proposition, this tells you where something is eg in front of....behind....near....above. We are using these in our writing to add more detail. We also use conjunctions which make sentences longer and also add more detail.

History We have learnt about the stoneage and bronze age.

Computing We have learnt how to use timers and repeat to write our own code. We made a rabbit disappear, a magician move and drew a square with a turtle!

RE We have learnt about the Hajj and Aqiqua  ceremony in Islam.

PE We have learnt some footie skills and have started to make sequences in gymnastics.

French We can count up to 10, say hello, ask how you are and ask your name....tres bien!!


Hope that gives you a wee insight into our first half term!


Many of you commented on my jokes each week and how much you love them!!! Millie and Flora made me little joke books so here are two from them.....

(Flora) How many letters are in the alphabet?


11! (THE ALPHABET)laugh


(Millie) What did the boy pencil say to the girl pencil?


Oooh, you look sharp!   wink


Have a great half term and I will see you on Monday 30th. Over and out!

Week beg 9. 10.23

It's been another busy week in year 3! This week we have been....

History Looking at sources of evidence which tell us that the stone age people were artists, builders, farmers and so much more!

English We have started to look at a book called Walk with  Wolf. This is a lovely book, part story part fact. Did you know that all dogs are descended from wolves and they can live in packs of up to 50!

Computing This week we used a Magician programme to do our coding. We made a rabbit disappear and reappear then turn into a different animal! If you go on to Purple Mash you will see what we have done.

PE It's football and gymnastics looking at symmetrical and asymmetrical balances.

Reading I have just finished reading Bill's New Frock. They loved this book!

Ukulele news...we have learnt the chord A minor!


This week's joke comes from Flora!

How does the moon cut his hair?

Eclipse it!! crying



Week beg 2.10.23

Welcome to October! This week we have been learning about.....

Maths Rounding numbers. We used 'rounding mountains' to round numbers to the nearest 10. Not sure what a rounding mountain is? Ask your child to show you!

English We wrote a dragon story based on The Paper bag Princess.

Art Have a look at our lion pics under 'class events' I thought I had turned them all around the right way but some of them are 'lion down'!!

Computing We have been coding in Purple Mash. We were able to pick a background.....choose an animal and character and then make the animal make a sound and move to collide into the character. It was quite tricky to do but we did it! You could look to see what your child has done on Purple Mash.

History We looked at different cave paintings and what we have learnt from them. We made 'caves' which you will be able to see when you come for our class assembly on Friday 20th October at 9.05am

Ukulele news We learnt another chord c major so that's 3 chords now....I am almost a professional! It's great fun and the class love it!


Joke of the week...

What is cheese that doesn't belong to you called?


Nacho cheese!!!! laughlaugh


Over and out until next week.


Week beg 25.9.23

Can't quite believe we are nearly into October! This week we had our second ukulele lesson. We learn the chord C and that the hole is called the sound hole. We also learnt the term fret. We did more games in our session which is every Thursday morning. In other news....

English We are looking at a story called The Paperbag Princess. We have been describing the characters in it.

Science We did a little investigation this week about rocks. We tested the strength of rocks and the 'fizz test' ask your child about this one!

History We sequenced the 3 periods of the Stone Age and what happened in each one. Did you know that Stone Age people are not just hunter gatherers? They were and builders. Amazing!

Maths We have learnt the terms commutativity and product. If your child has been listening to me they will know what they mean!

Joke of the week...

Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball?



He had nobody to go with!!laughlaughlaugh

Over and out until next week!



Week beg 18.9.23

This week we had our first ukulele lesson! Did you know that a ukulele has a head, a neck and a body? It also has 4 strings and 4 tuners. We learnt our first chord...c7! I am also learning along with the children. I think it is going to be my highlight of the week! Mr Evans did some fun games and songs this space for more updates! In other news....

Maths This week we were learning how to count on and back in tens including crossing the 100 barrier eg 67 77 87 97 107

History We learnt  that the Stone Age is sooooo long it is divided into 3 periods...paleolithic....mesolithic and neolithic. It lasted 2.5 million years.

Science We learnt about the 3 different types of rock which are sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.

PE We are doing basketball and gymnastics.

Art We are learning how to use black and white to create pictures. We have drawn some great lion pics which you will see in our class assembly just before half term.

Remember this is just a wee snapshot of what we have done this week!

This week's joke.....

What food goes well with a jacket potato?


A button mushroom!!! yes

Week beg 11.9.23

Bonjour....salut! We have started to learn French. Last week we looked at all the different countries that speak French...29 in total! This week we have learnt how to say hello and how are you. We have also learnt how to say I am ok....happy or sad. Ask your child to tell you! In other news.....

Maths We have been regrouping numbers so 145 could be 100+40+5 or 100+30+15 or 100+20+25 I hope you get the idea.

English We have been using conjunctions to write sentences. FYI a conjunction is a word that lengthens a sentence eg I needed my umbrella because it started to rain. They are 'magic' words because they add detail to writing. 

Science We have started to learn about rocks....more on this next week.

History We recapped some previous knowledge but started to talk about The Stone Age.

Music We had a lovely visit from a band called Electric Umbrella. They are a band with a difference as many of the people have a learning disability but it doesn't hold them back. The children really enjoyed it and we did a workshop in the afternoon all about 'I am' Ask your child about it!

It's been another busy week in year 3....don't forget school photos on Monday!

Over and out until next week.

Joke of the Week

Where do frogs leave their coats?

In the croakroom! smiley

Week beginning 4.9.23

We have made a good start to year 3 as there are lots of new things to learn. So here is a little insight into some of the things we have done this week.....

  • Maths We have been building numbers using different manipulatives. A manipulative is a piece of maths equipment that help the children to 'make' numbers. We used dienes to make pictures and had to work out the value of each picture.
  • English We are looking at a book called Hike. It's a lovely book with no words but it tells a story of a dad and his son off on a hike. We have been doing some writing based on this book.
  • Art We used sketching pencils to draw  pictures using different tones. If you don't know what the H or B on a pencil stands for....ask your child as they should know!
  • Reading We have done some whole class reading of an extract of The Hodgeheg which is one of my favourite books! It is also the first book I am reading to the class. popular demand, some parents asked for a Joke of the Week (they remembered from lockdown!) so here goes......

What do you call a bear with no teeth?


A gummy bear! laugh

Over and out until next week.

