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Home Learning

Your children have access to a number of web based curriculum activities: LEXIA, PURPLEMASH, EPIC and TIMESTABLES ROCKSTARS. These are available depending on your child's year group.


Remember your child's Reading Record book has pages to support reading, writing and spelling.

Purple Mash is the new creative online space. Purple Mash hosts an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning every day. ... As Purple Mash is online, children can continue their learning anywhere and anytime.


Your child will come home with their username and password for them to access at home.


Please use the login below to access this site:

To support reading we will be using an online library of books we are currently using Epic which allows teachers to select books for the children and monitor their reading.  This is additional to their reading books.  Do not purchase this resource as it is free for your child. Just use the class code which will be sent to you.  (Laptop or Chromebook)


iOS / Android: Open Epic! app and click on 'Have an account? Sign In' then click 'Students & Educators'

Sign in with class code.

All children from Yr1 to Yr6 will have access to Nessy

Nessy programs are designed to help students of all abilities learn to read, write, spell and type, especially those who learn differently.

You can login at:

Please remember to put a space in your passwords e.g Esio T



A useful guide to reading with your child

LEXIA (Yr1 to Yr6)



How to set up Lexia
