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Head's Blog

Year 2 had a great trip to Hatfield House this week and shared their experience with us at their assembly this morning.  Thank you to the PTA for subsidising the trip by over £5 per child.  There are some photos of their visit on their class web page. 

Many classes are currently studying History topics.  If you look on your child's class web page (Curriculum Section) you will find a document called a Knowledge Organiser.  This shows what your child will learn, in class, during this History topic and how it fits in with History they have previously studied.  You may like to do further investigations or discuss this with them.  Each class will add their Knowledge Organisers as they focus on a History topic.


Sports Update

Our football team won their match to get them through to the next round of the cup.

Cunningham Hill 2 Colney Heath 3

Our cross country team ran a great race at Fleetville on Tuesday.


School Council

Our school council have chosen the charities for this year. Dementia Uk and Guide Dogs. They will be organising a number of events over the year to raise money for these.



Tonight is the school disco

Nursery & Infants 5.30pm - 6.30pm £2 entry (Nursery parents must stay with their children)

Juniors 6.45pm - 8.15pm £2.50 entry


Next Week


Parent Consultations


Parent Consultations


Reception Class Assembly

Finish at 3.15pm for Autumn Half Term



Remember St Mark's Light Party on 31st October, optional dress code can be Pyjamas or Onesies.


We have parents that are concerned about the amount of cars that are parked in the adjoining parking area that are still leaving their engines running for a long period of time (Idling).  This has an impact on our whole school community, who have to walk through the fumes, particularly your children and of course on our environment. Please be considerate and turn your engines off.


