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What does your child learn at school each day?

Find information about our curriculum subjects here. Further information can be found in the termly class newsletters.

The government has set a curriculum to be followed by all state schools. It is divided into sections for EYFS (Nursery and Reception), KS1 (Yr1/2), lower KS2 ( Yr3/4) and upper KS2 (Yr5/6).

In each of these key stages there are expectations of the key skills and knowledge to be acquired, including such things as specific times tables and spellings.

An overview of the curriculum is available here on our website. Each class teacher has written a newsletter giving more details about what children in each year group will be studying each term, which can viewed on the class pages of the website.

For further information regarding the curriculum in your child's class, please see Class Pages or make an appointment to speak with your child's teacher




The Curriculum

Colney Heath School has a systematic process for planning and organising the curriculum. It is a process which manages the curriculum through subjects but allows flexibility in its delivery. The broad, balanced topic approach continues to be used with discreet subject teaching in certain subjects, e.g. Mathematics, English and Science. Our emphasis is on knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum.

Our curriculum design is structured to provide continuity of learning within and across all key stages. Careful planning ensures that each topic or unit of work recognises and builds on the learning that has gone before.


Early Years Education (Nursery and Reception)

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage

The EYFS statutory framework is followed at Colney Heath. This document sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. It is organised into three characteristics of learning and seven areas of learning.


Characteristics of effective teaching and learning

Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’

Active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things

Prime areas

Specific areas

Communication and Language


Physical Development


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Understanding the World


Expressive Art and Design

Teachers and Early Years Practitioners plan the curriculum to ensure the children make good progress towards the Early Learning Goals which children are expected to reach by the end of the Reception class.



National Curriculum (Year 1 to Year 6)

This is sub-divided into:

English, Maths, Science, Design Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education, Computing, Modern Foreign Languages (at KS2), Religious Education, Personal Social and Health Education. 

We use a variety of teaching styles which include whole class, group and individual teaching as appropriate. Children maybe grouped within classes according to their ability in certain areas of the curriculum.


Sex Education (SRE)

Where Sex Education arises naturally in our curriculum activities, the subject is handled in a factual and yet sympathetic manner.  It is part of our PHSE / Relationship Curriculum. We have defined Sex Education as conception and there are some lessons that children can be withdrawn from. Puberty will be covered as part of our Health Education.


British values

Democracy, individual liberty, rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance will be promoted through all aspects of the curriculum and daily life of the school.


Cultural Capital

'It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.' Ofsted 


As a school we endeavour to provide experiences and embrace opportunities that allow our children to encounter the richness of our curriculum, the local community and the wider world.  We aim to foster a curiosity that starts with the curriculum, but then goes beyond the classroom, enabling the children to grasp every opportunity that they are offered. Our curriculum is planned to offer children experiences of museums, galleries, places of worship, and journeys to places that provide new and thought-provoking opportunities.

Visitors are warmly welcomed to Colney Heath School for their knowledge, skills and talent to inspire our children.
