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Baa Baa Bethlehem December 12, 2012

Dinosaur Discovery November 16, 2012

As part of our topic on dinosaurs we all went to the Natural History Museum. It was a great day out and enjoyed by all.

Yr1 Building Blocks September 27, 2012

Our first Building Blocks was very well attended.   For those of you unable to attend an information booklet will be provided.  Remember we are always looking for help.  If you can spare a few hours a week please let us know.

Yr1 and 2 Trip to Whipsnade July 5, 2012

Years 1 and 2 had an exciting day at Whipsnade. A big thank you to all our helpers.


An exciting week! March 20, 2012

We have had a very exciting week at school .The extraordinary egg arrived on Monday. So much learning came from this. Year 1 and their buddies in Year 4 created settings for an egg story using a shoe box. Some children were given the challenge to create an egg by weaving what they produced all by themselves was great!

The Extraordinary Egg March 18, 2012

What a day, What a week!

It all started last Monday, the 12th of March. Pupils, parents and staff arrived at school to be greeted by an amazing sight… something had nested on the roof of Year 1 and laid an enormous egg.

The fire service were called – they checked it was safe and on the advice of the police moved it to the courtyard where it was cordoned off for security.

Our curiosity and excitement sparked a whole week of activities which culminated in the hatching of… whatever it was!

Look through our gallery of work; all about our mighty, mysterious egg.

I’m sure your child will enjoy telling you about the activities.

Raft building! February 23, 2012

We had fun making pirate rafts on our pirate day!


Year 1 Pirate Day February 8, 2012

What a day we had being pirates.

Start of the new year January 22, 2012

In January we have started our topic on Pirates. Mrs. Hinton has built a ship in our classroom and we have had great fun becoming pirates.  We have also made models of pirates from our favourite stories.
