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local area topic year 3 October 15, 2014

The children in year 3 have been busy learning about the history and geography of our local area.

Last week we visited the St Albans Museum to find out what life was like here in the past – thank you to all the parents who helped out by driving and accompanying us on the trip. Since the visit we have also found out more about what school was like in the past by looking at artefacts and also at the old Colney Heath School log books.

This week we ventured out (in between showers) to the common, where the children each created a journey stick. We also looked at some of the trees on the common and measured their circumferences, which helped us to work out how old the trees were.

Autumn Term Year 3 October 6, 2014

New term, new year 3 September 10, 2014

Welcome to the New Year 3’s page! We have had a good start to the new school year, settling into new routines and already producing some great pieces of work. Today the children were busy producing their entries for the Village Show based on the theme of Memories. Please go along to the show this weekend to find out who the winners are!

Year 3 geography July 7, 2014

Spring term in year 3 January 28, 2014

We have made a great start to the term, working hard at our new topic on Ancient Egypt and in all our other lessons, too. The children have produced some fabulous homework – pyramids of all sizes and materials, information booklets, quizzes, cookery – even a handmade wooden shaduf!  They have all worked to produce a classroom display of the river Nile. In science the children have been finding out that light travels in straight lines and learning why shadows form. They had an exciting day on Monday when the sun actually shone for a while, finding out how and why our shadows change during the day.
