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Class Events

We have been working on this for a while now, it is going to be one of our pieces for the Arts Festival in July. When we are all together again we will perform it for you. I am so proud of how hard you worked on this and the way you became skilled, confident dancers who really loved what you were doing. I'm putting this here to remind you of how brilliant you are together. Keep practising.

Good Bye Year Six

Leavers Event

Pompeii by Year 6

Christmas Party - Taskmaster Style !

Our Buddies received letters from Santa - we were lucky enough to be there at the very moment he dropped them in through the roof !

Helping our Buddies post their letters to Santa

Year 6 have been enjoying some Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, and sharpening their map reading skills.

Santa's Academy for Elves, otherwise known as : Science Week Electricity Project.

Harvest Tea

Anyone for scones ?
