Friday 5th March
Hello my lovely Reception children!
I just wanted to say that you have all been sooo brilliant on zoom!!
We have asked for you to deal with a lot over the past 8 weeks, and you have been so great at dealing with all the challenges that have been thrown at you. You have shown a huge amount of stickability and I am so proud of you all!
It's finally our last zoom lesson this afternoon, so let's make it a good one!
I have missed your smiley faces and I cannot wait to see you all properly on Monday!
Phonics activity:
Please recap the phonemes that we have learnt this week and practise reading and writing the tricky words from pdf 1 and 2 - Please find a printed copy in your home learning pack.
Maths - session 5
Please watch the session 5 video and then complete the task.