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Our topic in Geography this term is 'The United Kingdom: Counties and Cities'. You did so well last week with labelling the countries and capital cities of the British Isles and Europe. Well done everyone!

This week we will begin learning some of the counties of England and where they are on a map.

How many English Counties can you name?

Activity 1: Complete the counties worksheet.

I have attached a blank counties map of England which is numbered. This does not need to be printed out as you can look at the map on the screen. I have cheekily rubbed out the answers because this is an activity we are going to visit every week. A bit like a weekly quiz! So please don't worry if you only know one English county at the moment. This is part of the fun! 

The answers in your book can look like this:

Title: Geography

Date: Wednesday 13th January 2021

TWGBA: Labelling the Counties of England

County 2 = Devon

County 4 = Kent

County 10 = Hertfordshire


Remember Year 5, only answer the ones you already know! Please do not look in a map book or online to find out the answers...this is part of the fun as we can try and beat our score every week!

When you are thinking about the counties you know, always begin with where you live. Then think about holidays and places you have visited and places other family members live.

Please email me your answers so I can tell you how many you have named correctly. 


Activity 2: Complete the '2Do' I have set you on Purple Mash.

