In Geography this week, we will be continuing our learning of the counties of England.
How many English Counties can you name?
Using the 'Locate the counties of England' worksheet:
- On Page 1 - Look at the map of the UK split into counties - can you recognise some from last week?
- On Page 3 - Remind yourself of and memorise the 8 compass points (this reminds me of the game we play in PE)
- Discuss with an adult how to describe at least three of the counties in relation to each other, for example, Berkshire is west of London.
- With an adult discuss the word 'bordered' - What does this word mean? For example, Suffolk is bordered by Norfolk, Cambridge and Essex. Practice using the word 'bordered' with some different counties on the map.
- On Page 4 - Answer the questions on location of counties of England, for example, Berkshire is to the __________ of Greater London. Use the compass points on page 3 and the map on page 1 to help you.
- Extension - Make up your own questions for an adult to answer.
- Pages 6 and 7 - Please do not complete these today Year 5.
The answers are attached on a separate sheet so an adult can mark your answers.
There is an activity on MapZone (link below) for you to complete. In this activity, all the county jigsaw puzzle pieces need putting back together.
- Click on 'Puzzle Adventure'
- Click on 'Map Puzzles'
- Click on 'England'
There are also lots of other fun activities and games on this website for you to enjoy! Have fun!
Try hard to memorise where all the counties are Year 5, so that every week you will know more and more and more!