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Home Learning

Literacy for week of June 22nd

Activities for the week beginning 8th June
Minibeast Activities from Mrs Hinton and Mrs Dowling

Phonic web site and links.

Letter from Mrs Dowling and Mrs Hinton.

21st April 2020

To all of you who are doing so much for the children of Year One,

Mrs Dowling and I want to thank you for  your efforts and hope you are finding time to have fun,

listen to stories, play games, and enjoy plenty of love and cuddles with your children.

We do not want you to be anxious about how much you and your children are achieving educationally.

There is no expectation on our part, we just want to provide you with a variety of activities that your child might enjoy. You are in the best position to decide how much your child is happy with tackling at home. When the decision has been made that we can return to school, we understand that the children will come back having had all had different experiences and we will endeavour to meet each child’s individual needs.

Above all, we do not want you to feel stressed, we want you to enjoy your time together. Children are amazingly adaptable; they will bounce back into school adjusting quickly to its routines and challenges and we will be there to help them.

Thank you once again for the support you always give us; we are truly grateful, especially during this uncertain time.

We look forward to seeing you all.

Take care, stay safe,

Mrs Hinton, Mrs Dowling and all the Year One staff.

17th April 2020


You might like this wonderful BBC website Year 1.

Not only does it have exciting activities for you, but on Monday it will have daily lessons in a variety of subjects to keep you up to date until we all go back to school.

When you explore you will find things to do with phonics, grammar, Maths and lots of other subjects.

Choose Key Stage 1 Subjects and have fun!

Lots of love from Mrs Hinton and Mrs Dowling.



Easter Activity Sheet


Hello Everyone in Year 1   

It has been two weeks now since we have seen you so Mrs Dowling and myself wanted to get in touch.

Firstly, we would like to say how much we are missing your smiling faces each day and to tell you we are really looking forward to seeing you when we all get back to school.  We also wanted to tell you how proud we are of all the exciting learning that is going on. A lot of you are enjoying Purple Mash, some of you have sent us your learning and the kind office staff have passed it on. Please keep the pictures and learning coming, send it to admin@colneyheath.herts.sch. uk. The reading you have been doing using Epic is great. So far Year 1, between you  you have read 198 books. We owe you lots of Red Star Reader certificates. Remember to assess the books we set you because they will help you with the topics we will be covering when we are back at school. Those topics are Plants and Minibeasts...and please don’t forget to use Lexia and Nessie.

We have found you some more fun Maths games that you could enjoy and learn at the same time:

ICT Games - Arrow Cards / Shark Numbers - recognising tens and ones - Place Value

Tens Frame - to practise number facts to 10 and 20

Number Square - using the language of number,

more than, less than

For handwriting practice please look at:

Handwriting Practice



Good morning everyone.

Hope you are enjoying the new games we have set.

We will set you some more very soon .


Hello everyone,

  ICT Games 

  So, we thought you might like to do some exciting ICT  maths games. To start off with there is a lovely ODD and EVEN game for yuo to play. You need to google ICT games and go into Year 1 and put in odd and even. You will find it there. Play it as much as you want !!!

Also get Mummy and daddy to quiz you on odd and even numbers. Remember you look at the last number, that will tell you if its odd or even.





Dear Year 1 Parents and Carers,

 In the event of a school closure we would like to remind you of all the exciting Home Learning your child could be doing.


      Purple Mash

Practise reading and spelling common exception words ( which you can find on this web site)

Reading and sharing a book with your child .

Practise phonemes ( in your reading book bag)

Ensure your child is writing DAILY  maybe in the form of a diary, simple story, poem, describe a picture using  WOW words or a  letter etc

It is an ideal opportunity to get your child to write their numbers correctly and to learn their number bonds to 10  eg 1+9, 2+8, 3+7

Play a game . You say 3 they say 7  you say 1 they say 9 (quickly) 

Play games  ( like snakes and ladders etc )

Thank you for your support and take care.





Spring Term 2 spellings

Spellings Autumn Term 2

Autumn Term 1 Spellings

Common Exception Words Year 1
