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Home Learning

Dear Parents and Carers


Today you fill find in your child's Reading Record Book a list with spellings. The words are sorted into different colour groups (like the rainbow).I have assessed your child and placed it in one of the colour groups. You will find your child's individual colour group in the Reading Record Book as well.

Please only practise the words from that colour group with your child. Every Friday we will have a spelling test and when your child has less than 4 mistakes it will move onto the next colour group. They will have the opportunity once a week to practise their spellings in class. However it is essential that you work with them as well.


Child x has been assessed and placed in the word group of the colour orange. At home child x will be practising those words whenever possible.

Child x will also have the  opportunity to practise in class the word group orange.

On Friday child x will be tested on the words of the word group orange only. 

If child x has less than 4 mistakes it will move on to the colour group yellow. If child x had more than 4 mistakes it will stay on the colour orange for another week.

If you have any further questions please let me know.

Kind regards

Ms Feind


Dear Parents and Carers

Please find below the Home Learning expectations. This is a minimum requirement. If your child is happy to continue working/playing on the Phonics website "Lexia" or Maths website "TT Rock Stars" please encourage them.

The Home Learning work that will be sent home on a Friday needs to be returned latest on the following Friday.

Please ensure that the work will be done by your child, not an adult or an older sibling.

Kind regards

Ms Feind

In the moment we are still trying to find the best possible way for children to bring books home from school and return them safely to school for their peers. Once we are happy with the safest option and have finished all our initial reading assessments we will start sending books home for you to read with your child. In the meantime, I would ask you to continue your daily reading with your child with a book from your home.

Kind regards

Ms Feind

Home Learning Expectations (minimum)

Year 1 & 2 Spellings - Common Exception Words
