Silly Soup Alliteration - pick a letter of the alphabet and see if you can think of three things beginning with the same letter that would make some very silly tasting soup.
For example: t - tomatoes, toast and toffee or s - sausages, slugs and soap!
Mrs Perryman Sound Sorting - b and s
Sound Sorting - h and e
Sound Sorting - r and t
Mrs Perryman Slug in a Jug - Find the Rhyme
Mrs Perryman Turtle Song - t sound
Mrs Perryman doing Jolly Phonics actions and sounds
Mrs Perryman - Robot Oral Blending
Mrs Perryman Sound Sorting p and d
Collect several objects that begin with the same sound and make a card with this letter sound on it. Make a second group of objects beginning with a different sound and a card to go with those. Discuss the sounds of the letters on the two cards with your child and shuffle the objects. Separate the cards on the floor and ask your child to put each object near the sound that it starts with. This activity can help your child to "hear" the first sound of a word.