In Literacy we are beginning a new sequence of learning based on the book called ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin. A sequence of learning in Literacy is around 2 weeks long and will incorporate lots of reading of the text, developing our vocabulary, sentence level work (grammar) and a variety of writing opportunities. Over the next few weeks the Literacy work will reflect this sequence – albeit adapted to suit Remote Learning.
Before we begin reading a new book in class, we start by looking at the front cover and use our inference and prediction skills to discuss 'What I Know?' 'What I think I know ?' and 'What I want to know? (Book Talk).
Please write the date and TWGBA in your book (using a pen please) and underline both with a ruler and pencil.
Monday 11th January 2020
TWGBA Making inferences and predictions about a text
Next, please write the book title and underline.
Coming to England by Floella Benjamin
Remember we use 3 sub-headings - Observe, Wonder and Infer
Observe = What I know?
Wonder = What I want to know?
Infer = What I think I know?
Please see the good example below so you can think back to when you have done this before in class, and so you know what is expected from you. This is also a good example Year 5 because the child has justified their inferences with 'because'- explaining why they think it in more detail (see infer example below).
Here is the book cover for you to begin. Please try to write 4 or 5 inferences and predictions under each sub-heading 'Observe', 'Wonder' and 'Infer'.
Try to write detailed inferences Year 5 and discuss your responses with an adult or older sibling. Also, please proof read your writing carefully and check for any spelling or punctuation mistakes.
I will miss the thoughtful discussions and book talk we would normally have after completing this learning, but I look forward to being emailed and seeing your work.