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"There were usually two kinds of weather on our tropical island," Floella remembers.


Hello Year 5, in Literacy today we will be thinking about the weather with some reading from 'Coming to England'. 


Why do you think Chapter 4 is called 'Darkness and Light'?


Over the next few days we will be thinking about the weather and how it affects our feelings and activities.

We will become meteorologists. What do you think the job of a meteorologist is?


In Chapter 4, Floella talks about the weather on Trinidad where she grew up, and why her memories of the weather in Trinidad are important to her.


Below you will find a copy of the Darkness and Light extract from the book 'Coming to England'.

Read the extract carefully, and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Remember to find the evidence from the text and be reading detectives today! There are 15 questions, if this is too many aim to answer as many as you can.

When we meet tomorrow we will share some of your answers together.


Happy Reading Everyone!


Year 5, in preparation for tomorrow's Literacy lesson, try and

watch a live weather report today.

