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Look at what we have been up to at home!

Keep Scrolling down everyone to see what your friends have been up to! laugh


Pippa has been busy Zooming her friends!




Me and my friends in Year 5 have been hanging out on a zoom call organised by Alfie's Mum. It was mayhem, chaotic yet very funny. We plan on having a weekly call. Here is a picture of me talking to the crew!

Hello Pippa, it is so lovely to hear that you have been keeping in touch with all your friends...this is so important, especially at the moment! I can recognise some of the faces on your one of them Franke? laugh Great job, keep talking Year 5!

An update from our local lepidopterist Freya and her butterflies...oh and the cats!







Hello Miss Claridge and Year 5, I have released my butterflies today as the cats were very intrigued by them this morning, here are some pictures. Also I named one of my butterflies big Jeff, don’t ask me how I came up with the name I just named it that because it was the biggest of them all, I guess I could call the smallest one little Jeff but it wouldn’t have been the same. 🤣
Hello Freya, thank you for sharing an update about your butterflies. WOW...this is such a lovely project Freya and I was really looking forward to seeing more photos of them. The cats look mischievous Freya...I would love to know what they were thinking! laugh Thank goodness you set them free before the cats carried out their plan. Being able to have one perched on your finger, and then setting them free and watching them settle on the flowers is so amazing! The world needs lots of these wonderful insects!

A great job Freya, well done!  

Look at Isla's amazing rainforest art work!



I am really pleased with my rainforest frog! I hope you like it too!

Hello Isla, thank you for sharing your art work. I love your rainforest frog and the way you have explored lines, colour and pattern in your art work. It really made me smile as it is such a happy piece of art. A great job Isla, well done!

Look at what Isla has been up to last week and it looks really scrumptious!

I have been busy learning lots of new skills. Last week, I baked a focaccia loaf, I can also now make an amazing omelette, and I am becoming quite experienced in cooking pasta dishes. I have been trying out a bit of knitting, made some fossils and I am also learning to play the keyboard. 

Thank you Isla, it is so lovely to hear from you and to learn what you have been up to at home. I have missed that smile! have been soooo busy. Do you know what Isla wink, after seeing your delicious focaccia loaf, I had to raid the fridge to find some delights to eat - you made me feel soooo hungry. Believe me, I was so disappointed when nothing looked as yummy as yours!

It sounds like you are becoming, amongst other things, quite an expert chef Great British Bake Off - Here Comes Isla!



Look at what Pippa has been up to at home last week and it looks really cute!


On Friday, I took inspiration from my writing task to imagine what it would be like to turn in to a rabbit.

Hello Pippa, it is so lovely to hear from you and to see the fun you have had as a rabbit. I have missed your smile and I absolutely love your mask - how exciting to dress up! Seeing your photo when I first opened up your email really made me giggle, thank you! The little bundle in your arms looks incredibly cuddly and extremely cute...Aww, and it's paws! 

I have so many questions to ask you about your time as a rabbit Pippa - how about you Year 5? laugh  

I have also thoroughly enjoyed reading your home learning about Viking pastimes, thank you for sharing!







Look at what our resident poet Emily has written!

I have found inspiration from my time at home. I have written a poem about my isolation and have added my own pictures.



Hello Emily, it is so lovely to hear from you and to receive your extremely emotive poem. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your poem Emily, thank you. When we learn about the past in history, poetry is one of the historical sources that is often studied to help us find out about people's feelings and their lives. One day in the future Emily, when we look back at these times, your poem will most certainly be one of those poems studied by children of the future! The bird song phrase feels me with joy. If there is one thing I will always remember about this time then it's the birds singing - they are singing loud and proud and it's amazing to listen to! Although not quite so lovely wink when they are sitting on your window sill, waking you up at 5 o'clock in the morning! 

Look at what Sol has been up to over the Easter break....

Times tables - I did long division and long multiplication using 3 digit numbers, decimals and fractions random test of all times tables.   

Circuit training - I made a circuit training plan including: sit ups, star jumps, spiderman push ups, 3 laps of the garden, water break and lunges. My next-door neighbour did it with me but in his garden.

Making bulgur wheat - Me and dad made a Turkish meal for all of us. We cut up tomatoes, red pepper and onion. It was very nice.

Video calls - I have spoken to: Alfie R, Thomas, Granny, I am going to have a virtual game of chess with Cameron Mackie. Today I am writing a letter to granny as she wrote a letter to me.

Redecorating front room & garden - We put tape on the skirting board and painted with a roller and a brush. We painted the living room grey and spray painted the garden fence brown.

Indoor camping - We made a den which me and Leyla slept in, after a little bit Leyla walked off to mum and dad’s room.

Being banker in monopoly - There was so much for me to do and I kept forgetting to collect £200 at GO. I liked playing as I got to stay up late with mum and dad, our game lasted three hours. I counted the dice numbers in Spanish!

Thank you Sol, it is lovely to hear from you and I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about your time at home. It is great that you have been helping with the cooking and decorating and so special that you are writing to granny - she will treasure her letter from you. As for 3 hours of monopoly - phew - that would have needed lots of cup of tea and biscuit breaks smiley.  I love your NHS poster Sol - every Thursday I bang my wooden spoon and saucepan (just what is needed to make a big noise), I even went outside with my bongo drum last week. for your circuit training - Joe Wicks WATCH OUT! 

Freya (our local lepidopterist) has been busy caring for and raising her own butterflies...

My caterpillars came and I have been watching them grow. At the weekend they turned into chrysalis and I have put them into a butterfly net as my cats are very interested in them! We are waiting for them to change into butterflies. I will send you a picture when they do.

Thank you Freya, it is lovely to hear from you and thank you so much for telling us about your project at home. How fascinating to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly and to see them emerge before your very eyes. Keep an eye on where the cats are and what they are up to wink, and I can't wait to see the next photos. So exciting! 
