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Good morning everyone. Well done for all your work on graphs over the past week. You have done a great job Year 5!


We have three days left of remote learning and I would like us to spend the next couple of days revising what we know about time. 

How confident are you at telling the time accurately?



Today we are going to be telling the time accurately to the nearest minute.

  • Watch the video tutorial below.
  • On the worksheet, choose the level of difficulty you feel most confident with - the stars on the top left hand side show the level of difficulty:

         one star = easiest  (starter)

         two stars = more difficult  (main)

         three stars = hardest  (dessert)

  • Complete one worksheet 'to the hour'.
  • Complete one worksheet 'past the hour'
  • Please do not complete all the worksheets.
  • If you would like something extra, there are some time word problems to solve.

Happy telling the time Year 5! 
