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Monday 11th January

This is a follow up task for after your phonics session. Please read the booklet and complete the task in your green exercise book.

Please choose a couple of activities from 'The book of oy' to complete.

Please read through the PowerPoint presentation about shapes with your child. There is a worksheet to complete in your home learning pack. There are also some practical activity ideas on the website if you wish to complete any of them over the coming week.

History of toys. In class we would have been learning about toys from the present day and toys from the past. I thought we could complete a little project about toys whilst you are at home. Your first job today is to have a little play with some of your toys at home and then draw a picture in your green exercise book of your FAVOURITE toy! I would like to know what your toy is, how long you have had it and why it is your favourite! I will give you new tasks for project throughout the week. If you would rather, you could complete your learning on pieces of paper and put them together as a booklet at the end. It’s completely up to you. I look forward to seeing them when they are finished. Have fun!
