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Easter Break Activity One

This year the competition has been amended to include two themes: My Favourite Walk in Hertfordshire, where they are, where they go, what they mean to people.  To promote the health and wellbeing benefits of walking and to promote access to the countryside. 

And: What I Can See through My Window, encouraging children who are currently at home to look through their window and show us what they see, the sun, sky, birds, buildings, parks etc.


We are asking the school children to think about one of the themes and to produce a piece of artwork. 



1.       Entrants are asked to create a piece of A4 artwork in any medium, providing it is original artwork (no computer generated images, please)

2.       Original artwork should NOT be posted to CPRE Herts.  Please scan or take a photo of the original artwork and attach it to an email – send to  (parents can email their child’s picture direct).  Maximum size 2MB please.

3.       Each entry/email should be clearly marked with the entrant’s name, age, school year and school and should be the work of one entrant only.

4.       This year's theme is either My Favourite Walk in Hertfordshire or What I Can See through My Window

5.       There are three age groups: Years 0/2, Years 3/4 and years 5/6.

6.       Prizes: Certificates and vouchers for all winners.  The school submitting the highest number of commended/winning entries will receive £100 in gift vouchers to spend on art and craft materials.

7.       All prize-winning entries will be displayed at the CPRE Hertfordshire Awards Evening in October.

8.       All prize-winners will be invited to attend the Awards Evening to see the display and to be presented with their prizes. Photos will be taken and may be used for publicity purposes.

9.       Our judge, local artist Val Cansick, will display winning artwork on her Facebook page, Val Cansick Studio, until Christmas 2020.

10.   Emails to arrive by no later than Friday 12 June 2020.

Details can be viewed on our website:
