With a busy term planned our school diary is a great place to check what is going on, please take a look and remember you can sync it to your own diaries so won't miss any important dates. You can also use our School Gateway to pay for almost every school activity including some PTA events (Quiz Night). Whilst in the Gateway look at your child's attendance which should be at least 96% which is the National expectation.
On Tuesday our Nursery and Reception class were treated to a visit by ZooLab. They had the opportunity to get up close and learnt all about creatures such as Giant Snails, a Bearded Dragon, snakes and other unusual animals. Look out for the photos on our class pages.
Finally as it's getting colder please ensure your children come to school with warm coats, gloves and scarves.
Next Week
Away football match against St Adrian's
Yr4 Class Assembly at 9.05am
PTA Quiz Night
Internet Safety
We have recently published some new documents on our website to support you around the area of esafety. They are really useful and informative pieces of information to help you keep up with this ever changing subject. http://www.colneyheath.herts.sch.uk/safeguarding-esafety/
Silver Smartie Week starts Monday 30th January so start putting aside those silver coins ready to fill your Smartie tube.