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Head's Blog

Thanks to everyone who offered help and support us to sort out and clean our mobile classroom after the vandalism that took place earlier this week. A special thanks has to go to those who came in and cleared it up so that our children could continue to use this valuable educational space.


Next Week


Reception Building Blocks 9am

Away netball match


Yr4 Class Assembly 9am with parents invited back to the classroom afterwards

Sweets and chocolate donation for Winter Wonderland


Sport's Update


The first game this year saw our squad playing really well. The final score Colney Heath 7 Bowmansgreen 4


Colney Heath 2 Manderville 2



Winter Wonderland is fast approaching on Saturday 30th November

Offers of help are still needed on Friday to set up and during the actual day of the event.  Even an hour of your help can make a huge difference to the success of this event.



Local residents have requested that parents are considerate when parking around the school. Please respect our neighbours.
