It has been amazing to look back and see how far the children have come in their learning as we reach the end of this busy term. There have been so many wonderful experiences and memories, many of which you can see on our class pages on the website, please take a look.
The staff and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a restful Christmas break and a happy New Year.
Next Term
First day back Tuesday 7th January
February Half Term Sports Club (booking form on our website)
Athletics, Badminton, Tennis, Dodge ball, Kwik cricket, Basketball / Netball, Gymnastics, Handball, Archery and many more INCLUDING BRAND NEW BUBBLE FOOTBALL.
I have put on our website term dates right up to July 2021 so you can ensure holidays are booked out of school time. Remember we do not authorise any term time holidays and will issue fixed penalty notices.
Breakfast / Afterschool Club News
Our Breakfast Club is now full on certain days. It is therefore important that you complete a booking form to ensure you get the days you need.
Over the coming term we will send out booking forms for our Afterschool Club which we will be trialling over the Summer Term.
Christmas Jumper
Please save your children's Christmas jumpers as we thought we would organise a 'swap shop' of outgrown clothes for next year. We want to limit the cost of parents buying them when they are only worn a few times at the most.