This week we had visit from Dementia UK to talk to the children in assembly. Dementia UK is our school council's chosen charity for this year and we have already raised and presented them with £230. The children watched a really informative video explaining what dementia is and what they can do.
Next Week
Indoor Athletics competition.
No Yr5/6 Football Club cancelled.
Yr4 Class Assembly 9am
PTA Comedy Night - tickets available from PTA members or the school office
Allocation day for nursery places is Friday 7th February. If you have (or know of any) children who are born between September 2016 and August 2017 and would like to apply for a place with us, please ensure the applications are with before the allocation day.
Sports Update
Football league match
Colney Heath 1 Samuel Ryder 2. This was great match with the squad playing really well.
Football friendly match
Colney Heath1 Samuel Ryder 4. Another great match with our children showing resilience against a strong side.
Residents have asked that you have respect for the roads around the school. Please also remember the yellow crosshatch area on the side of the school should be left free to allow flow of traffic.