This week we have had Yr4 making a circuit game, an away netball match, Stay and Play session in Nursery, Yr2 going to St Mark's church and all the children learning about esafety.
Today we say a sad goodbye and thank you to two colleagues: Mrs Horsewood who has provided support in Reception and Mr Penn who has taught Yr4. We wish them both all the best in their new positions.
Remember next week is half term. As part of our whole school drive and as the main homework task for the holidays we are asking you to hear your child read, as well as read to them. Remember there is also Mathletics and Lexia available online. But more importantly we hope you find time to go out and do things as a family: parks, museums, walks etc.
Wow!! Well done everyone, Silver Smartie Week made a profit of over £400. Thank you to all the children who returned their tubes.
The winning class who brought back the largest percentage of tubes was Reception. Some special books are on their way to put into their special Reading Garden Shed.
Dates for next half term
24.3.17 Easter Fair
30.3.17 School Discos
31.3.17 Term Ends (Remember this will be different for our local secondary schools)
18.4.17 Term Starts
Dinner Money
Thank you to the many families who adhere to our policy, make regular payments and stay in credit for school dinners. The next half terms charges are:-
1 meal per week = £13.50
2 meals per week = £27.00
3 meals per week = £40.50
4 meals per week = £54.00
Or to pay for a meal each day till the Easter holidays is £67.50 (meals not taken will not be charged for and the money will remain on your child's account)