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Head's Blog

There have been many activities this week with groups of children competing at the indoor athletics event, going to the ITN studios and watching me get arrested, handcuffed and taken away! (all part of a CSI activity)

All the adults who have come across the children at all the activities have commented on their enthusiasm, knowledge and behaviour "I was genuinely taken aback at how interesting they all found it and the superb questions they asked."


Tonight is our Comedy Night which promises to be a hilarious event, tickets available on the door.


Next Week

Monday Home netball match

Friday Yr3 Assembly

Nursery September 2020 - Allocation Day

Sunday - Messy Church


Sports Update

Yr5/6 Indoor athletics team went to Oaklands College and competed against a number of schools. They enjoyed all the events and showed great team spirit.


Afterschool Club

The booking forms are available now but the club is dependant on numbers, and therefore if you wish to use the facility we would encourage you to complete the forms and hand them into the office as soon as possible. 


St Albans Sustainable Project

You may be aware Sustainable St Albans runs (free) information sessions showing residents how to use a Thermal Imaging Camera which then can then borrow (again free) to see where heat is leaking from their houses.  The sessions take place in St Albans (and also in Harpenden) roughly fortnightly throughout the winter.  As a result many people make changes which save them money and reduce their carbon footprint.

Details can be found on our website on our Newsletter page.


