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Head's Blog

After half term the children have been busy with a number of special events: Yr3 made masks in a SetPoint Science workshop, Years 1 and 2 had PE sessions with Sports1to1 and Reception had a Building Block session. Today Yr2 have their class assembly and we have the school council pyjama afternoon.


Next Week


PTA coffee morning

Netball match against St Adrian's


Yr1 class assembly at 9am


New nursery children Stay and Play session

Penalty Shootout Competition at Clarence Park 3pm


PTA News

All parents and carers are welcome at the coffee morning next Tuesday.  Pop in for a quick cuppa after drop off as it would be lovely to see you.

Remember we will be having a Spring Fair straight after school on Friday 24th March. 


Parent Governor Nominations

Please ensure you read the Parent Governor nomination form which is being sent home today.
