What a scorching week we have had, hopefully you have all found a way to enjoy it safely.
Request Reminders
Many class teachers are asking for something from the children for Mrs Hinton.
The school has asked for any memories about Mrs Hinton from anyone to put in a special box.
We need a photograph of every child with their lock down reading book. Many are all ready on our website if you want some recommendations.
Library Opening
This will continue to the end of term between 9.30 and 10.30.
Monday Yr2
Tuesday Yr5
Wednesday Yr3
Thursday Yr4
For all other year groups we are asking for all books to be returned in the coming weeks. This can be done by dropping them off at the front door in the box provided.
Before the end of the term we will undertake remote activities / communication with all classes as a way to end the term for the children and make contact with new classes.