There are a number of special events coming up this term to make a note of:
School Reports will be sent home today for Years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6
Book Week on the 13th March ending with a Book Character dressing up day on Friday 17th March
Spring Fair Friday 24th March
Alban Arena Concert for the choir on Monday 27th March
Yr6 trip to Crucial Crew Thursday 23rd March
Yr3/4 Performances: Matinee Tuesday 28th / Evening Wednesday 29th
Yr6 trip to London Zoo Thursday 30th March
Yr4 trip to Affinity Water Thursday 30th March
Discos Thursday 30th March
End of Term Friday 31st March finish at 1.30pm
Next Week
Choir rehearsal in the morning for Alban Arena at Wheatfields
Cross Country at St Columbus
Council Meeting re A414 at school 7.30pm
Reception Assembly 9.05am
Our girls played St Adrian's this week. It was a great game with the girls displaying fantastic teamwork, the final score being Colney Heath 6 St Adrians 2.
It has come to our attention that parents are double parking in the side car park. Please can you consider the safety of the children and others in this very busy area.
⭐️⭐️ PTA ⭐️⭐️
Thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed home made hobnobs at the PTA coffee morning on Tuesday. It is great to catch up with parents and teachers alike, and ideas placed in the suggestions box will be taken forward to the next meeting.
The Spring Fair (24th March) and School DIsco (30th March) are fast approaching - any time you can spare to help at either event would be greatly appreciated (please email Natalie at
The next PTA meeting is on 21st March at 7:30pm - further future meeting dates are in the school calendar. All are welcome!