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Head's Blog

We have now been back a full week and our Reception class has settled really well into full time education.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new families that have joined our community and we look forward to working together over the coming years.


Social Distancing

I need to stress the importance of social distancing when you are in and around the school site. Firstly, we spend all day keeping the year groups separated for the children, staff and your safety, it is therefore really important that as soon as you pick your child/red up everyone leaves straight away. Please keep your children with you, even if you waiting to pick up their siblings. Finally you need to remember to keep a safe distance from other parents. We have worked hard to open the school to welcome back all the children and don't want to disrupt their learning any further. Thank you for your support in doing this.


I have put on the website a leaflet explaining what you do if you or your child has possible Covid symptoms. Please read it carefully as it will help you understand the current guidelines about whether your child can be in school.



Monday - Individual Photographs for Reception to Yr6. As we are keeping year groups separated there will not be the opportunity for sibling or pre school photographs this year. To reduce the risks further there will only be one photograph taken where in the past two poses were offered.  Nursery children will be photographed on Friday 9th November.

Tuesday - Yr5/6 Football Practice.


MILK (Years Rec, Yr1 and Yr2)

Milk order forms were sent to you at the beginning of the week. Thank you for those who have responded, which enabled an order being placed today.  For those of you that have yet to return your forms, I can only accept further requests on Monday, or I will be unable to amend the order placed and milk will be unavailable for your child till January 2021.



Please advised that we have no central lost property held anymore.  As each class is in their own bubble any unclaimed items will remain in the individual classes.  Ensure all items are named, and check occasionally that the name is still visible.



We are currently discussing with Hertfordshire Music Service our provision for this term and will advise you shortly what we are able to offer.

