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Head's Blog

It has been great to walk around school seeing the learning the children are doing. I am always impressed with their enthusiasm and willingness to have a go. Do ask them about their day and what they have been learning about. Get them to tell you about the book the teacher has read to them that day.


Nursery have had PE in the hall.

Reception have been baking.

Yr1 have been recapping their phonics.

Yr2 have been writing sentences about Max and the Stranger.

Yr3 have had science learning about different rock types using chocolate?

Yr4 have been improving their knowledge of times tables.

Yr5 have been learning how to use a protractor.

Yr6 have been playing a fluency card game in maths focussing on their knowledge of times tables. 


As the weather is changing please ensure your children arrive in school appropriately dressed. We are endeavouring to get them outside as much as possible at this time.


Parent Consultations

Reception to Year 6 parent consultations have been arranged using Zoom. We need you to return your slip or let us know by email by Tuesday next week at the latest. This will allow us to set up the times and let you know how we plan to deliver this.


COVID Reminder

It is important that you drop and pick up your children and then leave the school site immediately, keeping your children with you. At all times ensure you are socially distance from other parents. This is for your safety as well as that of the children.

Remember if you or any member of the family have any of the three main symptoms you should phone 119, get a test and start to self isolate the whole household.
