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Head's Blog

We hope you all have a restful Easter break after such a busy term for the children. Please remember to read with your child as much as possible and take the opportunity to spend quality time with them.


Next Term Key Events

Tuesday 18th April Summer Term Starts

Wednesday 24th May Sports Day

Friday 26th May Race For Life

Monday 29th May Half Term Week

Saturday 24th June Summer Carnival

Friday 30th June Arts Festival

Friday 14th July School Closed for staff training

Friday 21st July End of Term


School Dinners

Information about our new Summer Menu has now been sent home and can be viewed on the website.  Please be aware that the cost of meals has risen to £2.30 per day (£11.50pw) as always money has to be available on your child's account before ordering.



Information is available on the website.



There are still available places for children to take private lessons on the guitar, flute or violin. If you require further information, please contact the school office.  For those already taking lessons invoices should be paid by 18th April.



Thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed the Spring Fair last Friday. Feedback has been very positive from all those who came, and the event raised more than £600 which is a fantastic result! Many thanks to the parents and teachers who helped at the Fair.
The Spring disco took place last night which as usual was enjoyed by all the children who came. Thanks again to the parents who helped, and a special thank you to Hannah Kerr, Ronnie Ward and Thomas Chaplin from year 5 who worked so hard selling sweets and drinks.

The next PTA meeting will take place after the Easter break on 25th April at 7:30pm. Please put this date in your diaries and come along to see how you can get involved in the many events which are run by the PTA for the benefit and enjoyment of the children at school.






