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Head's Blog

Summer seems to have finally arrived, so please remember to send your children to school with a drinks bottle, hat and with sun cream applied.

Our Summer Carnival is fast approaching and promises to be a fantastic event. A flyer is coming out today with the attractions on the back. Your support is needed on the day to set up and tidy up.


Remember the Art's Festival on Friday 30th June from 1.30 pm. All classes will be performing on the stage and the hall will be converted into an art gallery.


Next Week

Tuesday & Thursday - District Sports

Tuesday Yr3 trip to Celtic Harmony

Wednesday Yr4 trip Verulamium

Yr5 trip to Nicolas Breakspear

Friday Yr3 class assembly



⭐️ PTA ⭐️
Thanks to those who helped at the St Albans half marathon last Sunday. This is a great fund raiser, and will help pay for additional equipment that the children will all benefit from.

Summer Carnival only 1 week away!!!

  • There are still some Circus tickets left (pay on gateway, PayPal, cash or cheque).
  • Volunteers to help at the carnival are still needed...please contact Natalie on
  • 2nd hand teddies for the teddy tombola can still be brought in until Tuesday next week
  • Children's procession to open the carnival - details to follow!!


And congratulation to the June 200 Club winners!!


⭐️149 - John Willbourne⭐️

⭐️121 - Sian Bull⭐️

⭐️91 - Petra Willbourne ⭐️


Office News

As we approach the end of term we will be sending out a number of requests such as milk, trips and music.  To help us in processing everything that we need to before we break, would you please return requested information and payments by the dates stated.  We spend a lot of time chasing for missing replies. Thank you in advance.







