What a wonderful week. We have had with our Yr5/6 children performing Treasure Island which was just amazing. All the children have spent time with their new teachers and Yr6 spent a day in their new schools. We are now gearing up for the last week before the Summer Holidays. I would like to thank all of you for your support over the past year, especially for those of you have given of your time on a weekly basis. The extra help and opportunities you have provided is very much appreciated.
Next Week
Reception trip to Nandos. Year 6 will join them in the afternoon for a picnic in the park
Big Toy Day
Yr1/2 tea party after school for those children and parents who will be moving up next year.
Nursery's last day
Big Toy Day
Children to bring in a plastic bag for taking things home
No athletics club
Yr6 Leavers Assembly
Term Ends 1.30 pm
Race For Life
Amazing just over £1,000 was raised for Cancer Research thank you everyone who donated.