Today we held a minutes silence on the playground in-front of our field of poppies. The children have been learning and talking about Remembrance Day all week, and making lots of poppies. We have had some fantastic pieces of work completed by the children across the school, some of which is on our website and class pages, please take a look.
We have also had a busy sporting week with two netball matches and three football matches.
Football Results
Colney Heath 3 Park Street 5
Colney Heath 2 St Adrians 3
Friendly Colney Heath 9 St Adrian 0
Netball Results
Colney Heath 6 St John's Fisher 2
Colney Heath 4 Skyswood 2
Next Week
Wednesday Yr4 trip to Roald Dahl Museum
Friday Yr3 Class Assembly
Saturday Winter Wonderland
Urgently Need Your Help
We need people to volunteer a small amount of time next Saturday 18th to help at our Winter Wonderland. Please contact the school office or PTA officers if you can help.