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This week our children participated in the indoor athletics at Oakland's College. They performed really well.  Special thanks to Miss Franklin and Mr Martin for organising the event.


Next Week


Away football match


Yr5 Class Assembly

School Council Activity Afternoon. (£1 donation to our Guide Dog Charity)


Learning Behaviour Champions

Reception: Layla for Challenge.

Year 1: Nathan for Challenge and Grace for Stickability.

Year 2:Lauren for Challenge.

Year 3: Teddy for Stickability and Challenge

Year 4: Kelsee for Challenge and Christina for Communication.

Year 5: Holly G for Communication and Reflection. Leo S for Stickability and Challenge

Year 6: Lenny and Louis for Creativity.


Star Readers

Again it has been disappointing as some classes are still below 50% (Reading 4 times or more a week)

Year 5 improved from 87% to 93%. The biggest improvement was Year 6 who went from 54% to 81%.
