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Head's Blog

This week there have been a lot of sporting activities. Our netball team has played two league matches, wearing the new kit. Our cross country team competed in their next event at St Columbas.  Our Yr3/4 classes had their first coaching session with St Alban's FC and finally Reception and Yr1 had a taster session with Batchwood Tennis.

Next week the weather is getting even colder. Please ensure your child arrives in school suitably attired.


Learning Behaviour Champions

Reception: Leah for Communication

Year 1:Leyla for Stickability

Year 2: Rose for Communication and Evie T for Challenge

Year 3: Johnny for all 5 behaviours

Year 4: Joshua and Isaac for Stickability

Year 5: Phoenix for Reflection and Zak for Creativity

Year 6: Molly and Harvey for Challenge


Star Readers

Many classes are showing improvement although a few have dropped back from last time.

Well done to Yr2 who have made the most significant improvement. (83%)



Next Week


Yr5 trip to the Space Centre


No Yr5/6 after school football


Reception Building Block session 9 am

Yr3/4 Setpoint Science Workshop (sponsored by County Council)


Yr1 Class Assembly


Extra Curricular and Holiday Activities


South Mymms Cricket Club (

Come for a trial session in the Indoor nets on 11th and 25th March. 2.30-4.00pm

Trial session free - then £5 per session Dame Alice Owen’s School, Potters Bar, EN6 2DU

Summer Coaching - at North Mymms Cricket Ground, from April 22nd on Sunday mornings 10am -12pm


Jo on 07878755354

Daniel on 07973698951


St Albans+ Easter Activities now available to book. See Parent section on our website.


