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Head's Blog

As the end of term is fast approaching, please continue to check the school website for last minute information and take a look at the Children's Page for latest photographs. Over the past week our choir have sang at the Village Senior Christmas Dinner, the children have also been involved in tree planting on the field, Yr5 had a drama workshop with Oakland college students and our doors have been decorated as Christmas carols.


Next week


PTA funded panto will be in school


Yr1/2 Matinee Performance: Behind The Stable Door.


Yr5/6 Tudor Banquet Day

Yr1/2 Evening Performance: Behind The Stable Door.


Christmas Jumper Day - children to wear a Christmas jumper instead of their school jumper. Donations towards MacMillan. (If you don't have a jumper you can wear a top in Christmas colours or a Christmas hat!)

Nursery / Reception performance at St Mark's

School Council Talent Show

School Discos



Thanks to the Christmas Card scheme we raised an amazing £490.

Our Phil The Bag this year raised £159, which is a huge increase from last time.

With all the money raised we have been able to order a number of items for both playgrounds which should appear in the near future.

Remember the school disco on Friday 16th. Help is always needed.


School Office

If you haven't already done so please ensure milk requests are handed in by Monday (Rec to Yr2 only)


We have the capacity to have more children take music lessons in the Spring Term.  We currently offer Violin, Guitar and Flute lessons.  If you are interested, please contact the office for more detail.


Christmas Dinner

We will be offering the children a traditional Christmas Dinner on the last day of term (21st December) with crackers and juice, all being served to the children by the Teachers and TA's. This year we have decided not to send out request forms but instead we will be asking the children to place their order the day before (ie Tues 20th) Red - Turkey and Green - Vegetarian Fillet, there will be no yellow option on this day.  Please let your children know if they will be having a dinner.



