The Nursery class had their assembly this morning, it was lovely to see so many family members who came along to share their learning. The children have only been in school seven weeks and it was clear to see that they have already learnt so much. Throughout the school, displays, books and the children's talk show how hard they are working to make progress. The teachers will be very pleased to share your child's progress with you at Parents' Consultations next week.
The school was wonderfully represented at a Cross Country event this week. Well done to those who took part!
Look out for a letter about Science Week which is taking place straight after half term.
Next Week
Monday to Friday - Parent Consultations
Friday - Year 2 Assembly 9am with visit to the classroom straight after
PTA Disco
Please check to make sure that your children arrive at school with all the things they will need for the day. PE kits, Football kits, water bottles, book bags are just some of the items that are regularly forgotten.