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Head's Blog

Here we are at the end of our first half term and what a busy and enjoyable one it has been.  We have seen so much learning happening throughout the school and have enjoyed workshops, trips, assemblies and much more. Remember in the coming week to continue to read every day, encourage your children to turn off their screens and have some quality family time with you.


Science Week

When we get back on Monday 5th November our Science Week starts. The children will have a number of exciting activities and learning will have a scientific focus. On Friday 9th November there will be a Science Fair from 2.30pm. You are all invited to come in at that time and explore the school with your child.


PTA News

Save the date for our Winter Wonderland on Saturday 24th November.


Flu Vaccine (Rec to Yr5)

Tuesday 6th October - Consent forms need to be returned by the morning of Monday 5th or the vaccines will not be available for your child.


Remembrance Day

Poppies will be on sale from Monday 5th of November. The children will be making poppies throughout the week which will be displayed on Monday 12th November.


Thank You

Today we say farewell and thank you to Mrs Kentish who has been a valuable member of our Teaching Assistant Team for a number of years.  We wish her well in her future.


Dinner Money Yr3 to Yr6

If your child is having a school meal each day untill our Christmas Break the cost is £84.  There are a number of families who continue to order meals without adequate funds on their accounts.  This creates more administration in the form of chasing debts, by sending text and letter reminders as well as telephone calls.  All chasing has an impact on my office staff and uses valuable school funding.  Please could all families ensure that only meals that have been paid for are ordered.  You can make payments 24 hours a day using the School Gateway.



