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Head's Blog

This week we have had two class assemblies. It was great to see and hear all the learning that Year 1 and Year 3 have been doing and to have to opportunity to share it with the children's families.

A special mention this week goes to Year 1 who have had 100% attendance for the past 5 days.


Next Week

Monday to Thursday chocolate donations for PTA Winder Wonderland Fair (check Sell by Dates and no nuts)

Friday Yr5 Class Assembly at 9am

Saturday Winter Wonderland 12 to 3pm


Sport Update

Our football team have successfully got through to the next round of the Penalty Competition at Clarence Park.  League result: Colney Heath 2 Abbey 6

Our new netball team played their first league game and displayed excellent skill and team work winning against St Bernadettes 9-3. 


Phil the Bag

Will be here to collect on Tuesday 20th November, please bring your bags to the school reception on Monday. 



We are in the process of booking our contracted music teachers for the Spring Term.  We currently have spaces available for private Violin and Guitar lessons.  These lessons are heavily subsidised by both us and the St Albans Music School and cost a great deal less than booking a teacher outside school.  If you are interested in your child taking up lessons, please contact the school office who will provide you with further  

information and the costs involved.



Milk request order forms for Reception to Year 2 will be sent out today.  If you do not advise us of your requirements by the deadline date stated in the letter, the next opportunity to order milk will be at Easter for the Summer Term.
