Christmas is fast approaching. It is important to keep a note of all the events planned for the next two weeks. The children still have a lot of learning to cover so please make sure they are in school every day on time.
Next Two Weeks
Sunday 9th - Messy Church
Wednesday 12th - Yr1/2 Matinee Performance (ticket only)
Thursday 13th - Yr1/2 Evening performance (ticket only)
Burger Day (children will have a selection of burgers to choose from at the counter)
Friday 14th - Nursery/Reception Nativity at St Mark's
Monday 17th - Carol Concert (Named guests only)
School Council Talent Show
Tuesday 18th - PTA Pantomime for the children
Wednesday 19th - Christmas Party for Year 3 to Year 6
Friday's Menu will be offered by the kitchen (Battered fish, Pizza or Egg Roll)
Thursday 20th - Christmas Party for Nursery, Reception, Year1 and Year 2
Christmas dinner choices will be ordered by the children today
Friday 21st - Christmas Dinner Day
School Finishes at 1.30pm
Tuesday 8th January Back to school
Parent Support
Please see our parent support page on the website for a number of interesting courses available next term:-
* First Aid Course for Teens
* Primary School Maths - the Basics for Parents
* Understanding Adolescence
* Eating Disorders in Children and Teens
* Growth Mindset
Office News
With only two weeks left of school can we please ask that you check your child's dinner account (years 3-6). If they have a meal every day we will need a minimum of £24.00 on account to cover all meals. If they only eat odd days or want to take part in the Christmas Dinner on the last day, please ensure there is enough money on account to pay for this (meals are £2.40 per day)