I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all an excellent break and new year. We will look forward to seeing all the children on Tuesday 8th January on time, rested and ready to learn.
Please find below a letter I received from Mr Wilson, Co-Chair of our Governors:-
Dear Parents, Carers, Governors and Staff,
Just a short note from me to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year.
I thought I’d write a reflection on all the marvellous things that have gone on in our school over 2018. I started to pick out some highlights from all the great things that appear month on month, week on week in Mr Rose’s Head’s blog. I find it great to look back at this time of year and take pride in all the amazing things that have happened in our community. I soon realised it was far too much to condense into a short paragraph.
So, it simply leaves me to say some well-deserved thanks.
Firstly, to all the children. Thank you for all the hard work this term and for all of 2018. Every time I visit Colney Heath it’s fantastic to see how much you enjoy school and take pride in your learning.
Thanks to parents and carers for all your continued support from home and those endless hours organising uniforms, school bags and journeys to school. It really does make a difference and is very much appreciated. To quote a recent advert to attract new teachers I saw, “Every Lesson Matters”.
To Governors, especially many new joiners this term, thank you for all you do in service of the school. This is such an important role in the support and development of the school and I very much appreciate all the voluntary time you give up.
Lastly to Mr Rose, the extended leadership and all the staff at our school. What can I say? Just a massive thanks from me on behalf of all of us for all that you do, day in, day out for our children. Colney Heath has always been and continues to be a truly caring learning environment and that is to your immense credit.
I very much look forward to a successful 2019 academically, in sports, in the arts, in music and in all aspects of the things we do as a school community.
In the meantime, I wish you a restful and peaceful time with friends and family.
Happy Christmas.
Bruce Wilson. (Co-Chair of Governors)