It's lovely to see that Spring is finally here. Our assemblies this week have been all about looking around for signs of Spring. We have told the children to just stop and spend time looking and listening. As the weather is getting better why not go for a walk in the countryside or just sit in the garden?
Next Week
PTA Easter Events
Free Library Books Event every day after school
Monday: Easter Egg Hunt after school
Tuesday / Wednesday: Sweet Sale
Friday: School Finishes at 1.30pm
Book Fair
Thanks to everyone who bought a book from the fair last week. It has meant that we now have over £200 worth of new books we can get for our library.
To make way for these books we will be putting out books after school for you to help yourself to. This will be at the end of every day next week and different books will be added throughout the week.
Sports Update
Yr5 played competitive games for the first time at the Yr5 Netball Festival. We were impressed with their teamwork and determination.
Well done to the football team who have won their league. They play in the interleague finals on Wednesday at Wheatfields.
St Albans+ Parent Support
Please check out our St Albans+ website page for updates. These include holiday activities as well as workshops around Talking Families, Talking Teens and Understanding Adolescence.