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Head's Blog

It's pleasing to see as we approach the end of the first half term that the children have settled really well into their new classes and their learning is moving on well.
Over the half term do remember to hear your children read, spend time talking and playing with them and don't forget to read back to them too. There are lots of wonderful places to go with them; especially locally, even just a trip to the park or family walk.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website which should go live next Friday. Do log in and have a look, as we have added new features and lots of up-to-date photographs.

Thank you for the large number of bags of recycling material.  We will be arranging the pick up after the half term holiday so you can still bring in more if you manage to gather things together during the holidays.
Remember the Superhero's Party on Monday 31st October 5pm to 6pm.

Sporting Request
Is there anyone out there who would be available and can help me with our Wednesday Yr5/6 football club between 3.15 and 4.30. Contact myself or the school office if you can support this club. You don't need to have any qualifications.
For those of you who have had children who have represented the school, can you please check at home for any of our '41' t-shirts.

Office News
New menus have been emailed out to you this week and will start on our return after the half term break.  A copy will also be placed on our website.  Payment required for next half term will be £85.50 if your child has meals every day.  Please, as always, ensure money is available on account before ordering any meals.
