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School Closure Week 5 w/c February 1st

Scroll down and click on the stars below for more details and resources for each day.  See the 'Coming to England text' star below that contains the remaining chapters of the book. Please come dressed to our Friday zoom session in bright, funky clothes or in any clothes that you feel will show how you have 'expressed yourself'!







15 – 20 mins  




Coming to England Ch 5, 6 and 7


Year 4 Library Slot today at 1-3pm. Coming to England Ch 8, 9 and 10.


Coming to England

Ch 11 and 12


Coming to England

Ch 13 and 14


Coming to England

Ch 15, Afterword and The Legacy of the Windrush Generation

Zoom Lesson 10:00


20 -30 mins activity after zoom session

Zoom – Literacy: understanding how the weather affects our emotions.

Zoom – Literacy: writing a list poem.

Zoom – Literacy: writing a letter with empathy.

Zoom – Literacy: planning a biography.

Zoom PSHE- Children’s Mental Health Week


Maths: classifying quadrilaterals.


AM lesson 2


40 – 60 mins

Maths: recognising and describing 2D shapes.

Maths: recognising and describing 3D shapes.

Maths: parallel and perpendicular lines.

Maths: horizontal and vertical lines.

Literacy: writing a biography.

PM Lesson


30 mins


DT Lesson 1: investigating structures


DT lesson 2: constructing nets to create 3D shapes.



DT lesson 3: evaluating existing structures.




PE- Zoom lesson with Miss McShane 1:45


Spellings Lesson

Extra activities

TT Rock stars, Lexia, Epic and Purple Mash

TT Rock stars, Lexia, Epic and Purple Mash


TT Rock stars, Lexia, Epic and Purple Mash

TT Rock stars, Lexia, Epic and Purple Mash


TT Rock stars, Lexia, Epic and Purple Mash

